John Bostwick
TVWBB Wizard
210 @Cmorris I think you killed it
Crap, right after I foiled it and went back to sleep, temps spiked and it never came back. Internal temp showed 204 on a different digital at the time I pulled it, it's fork tender and smells great, I guess we're having possibly overcooked brisket for lunch instead of the planned dinner....210 @Cmorris I think you killed it
Crap, right after I foiled it and went back to sleep, temps spiked and it never came back. Internal temp showed 204 on a different digital at the time I pulled it, it's fork tender and smells great, I guess we're having possibly overcooked brisket for lunch instead of the planned dinner....
Edited to add - turns out when I foiled (and added charcoal) I trapped a chunk of charcoal between the Smokey Joe and the tamale pot allowing it to draw air around that joint so even with the damper servo the hm was unable to choke out the fire. So... operator error in the sleepy refuel is to blame.
First try at a brisket flat over baked beans in the mini, also first attempt at low and slow with one of Ralph's prototype Roto dampers to try to get a handle on the problems I had draft induced overshoot.
Yeah when I dropped the set point to 100 I was playing with pid values trying to get the oscillation during the initial swing to a new set point down a little. It seemed to be more prevalent at low temps, hence the low set point (and no food on). I pushed the lid pct to ten right after that second false lid open detect.With a setpoint as low as 100 degrees a 5 degree fluctuation is 5%, so small temperature swings may trigger lid mode. When running the pit so low increase the lid mode trigger to a larger number to prevent the false lid triggering...
Do you have the fan on at Max Only or all the time?
Fan and servo both using full range all the time, but min fan speed bumped to 30% since low fan speeds it seems struggle overcoming the increased static pressure of the small opening in the servo valve when it's also at low pct open. I think I need to tune the pid values a bit more, but that's a subject for a different thread.
Worked well enough for me, but it's not near as pretty as the 3D printed ones.
I think it looks pretty damn cool.
Well that was a pretty miserable cook, but I think I sabotaged myself by starting off with pretty old charcoal.
I was dealing with overshoot, then couldn't keep the temps up, then they remained too high. It looks like I had a pretty solid seal with the damper, so not sure where things went wrong in keeping the temps stable.
Perhaps you should consider installing the ping pong ball check valve to better control air flow when the temperature is too high.
-- Mache