Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

Not a live cook...a "test" cook. The first time I've used the HM.

It looks like the initial overshoot was because I had the top vent WFO. I put it to about 5-10% and the temps seem to have been better regulated. Excited to see how this thing holds temps overnight.

I used about 4-5 lbs of B&B Oak Lump Charcoal for the test. It what I may be using this weekend to make my first Texas-style pork butt.

Temps DROPPED! and I cracked the Top 50% or so. I guess I'm looking to find that sweet spot for that vent.

Looks like the sweet spot is 265 for that top vent. I'm still getting ~10 degree fluctuations. My settings are P6 I0.02 D5
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Going to try the real deal tonight. Going to start the fire about midnight central and hopefully get the meat on about 1:00 or so. Got a 7.5lb boneless butt that I'm doing. I've gotten the WSM sealed up the best I can and have a big pile of lump charcoal in the basket. Going to shoot for a pit temp of 240-260 maybe.

I'm planning on eating about 6:00pm Sunday. Hopefully starting this early will give me some buffer time so we aren't waiting on the pork while we eat and watch the divisional champion cowboys play.

I plan to wrap it about 160 and get it up to 190 before pulling it off the smoker. I made the franklin style rub for it and will spritz it with apple cider vinegar before I wrap it up. Does this sound about right? Any other tips y'all might have??

HM will be here:


Just wrapped it up and got a screenshot. +/- about 10 degrees...not too bad!

After the disturbance in the force (me wrapping it up), the stall didn't last very long at all. I was very sleepy and was moving at a snails pace and the pit temp went through the roof!! I just got an alert that the IT is at 190 so I'm backing the temp off...going to let the butt carry over a little, then put it back on the pit until closer to dinner time. I mistimed this first cook bad, but now I know it really only does take about 1hr per pound.... Here's the graph!



Rampin like a boss!!!
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Fresh Ham on my Kamado Big Joe
P: 2
I: .0035
D: 6

Fan on above 50% Max 50%
Startup Max 100%

Seems to be overshooting by a lot any suggestions on what settings I can adjust to help this, I have not done many cooks on the Kamado so I'm not sure what the best settings are.
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Mind posting your css script settings and PID settings, i wanted to display the PID box but could not find the script for it. Thanks

The PID output is done by pressing P on your keyboard. You'll need to be logged in for it to work.

My CSS is

#content { background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, from(#000000), to(#322D15)); }
#contentframe { padding: 5px; }
#backimage { background: url(; }
#backoverlay { background: inherit; }
#probelist { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
#pn0 { color: #FFF; }
.pname { color: #FFF; font-size: 24pt; line-height: 16pt; display: inline-block; text-shadow:2px 2px 4px #000000 ; }
.dph { color: #ff0; font-size: 12pt; text-align: right; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; }
#fanl { color: #FFF; }
#fanc { opacity: 0.6; }
#fana { background: rgba(255,255,0,1); opacity: 1; }
#fancontainer { background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, from(#000000), to(#322D15)) ; opacity: .7 ; border: 0px ; height: 20px; position: relative; }
#graph { height: 500px; width: 950px; margin: 8px auto 0px auto; }
#graph_overview { height: 100px; width: 920px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

P=3, I=0.0034 D=4
Thanks....had my heatermeter for a year and I'm still learning how to use it.

Pork Shoulder on my Kamado Big Joe.....early stuff was baked potatoes then I used the grill to seer some sous vide beef short ribs, pork went on around 8:15.
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Not a cook, but it's live.

I'm using the HM to monitor how hot the heatsink gets on a $15 adjustable power supply. It's being powered with a 19V 4A laptop power supply. These TP4056 based LiIon chargers are supposed to charge a 1A each, so that's a 6A load on the unit. This will also give me an idea of approx how long it should take to charge the cells. If I put an alert for when the pit probe drops below 20C, that should alert me when the cells are done charging. I've got around 500 to charge, test+discharge and then charge up again!

Under the clamp is a super duper cheap thermocouple with the bead clamped down on the heatsink right where the output regulator is located.

My DIY charging rig.

Gotta love the lone green "done" LED when the rest are blue. At least the charge LED is red on all of the units.

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I picked up a kick ash basket for my kamado joe. I love it.

Not sure I follow you on half your fire going out. I've always considered it to be a binary thing, either you have a fire or you dont.
HA! Yes, fire was out, but it left half the basket untouched. I quickly gave it a shake, added more lump and restarted. Fans been working hard...

