Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

To tell you the truth, I have no idea... lol They just do. However it's way off. I've got about another 18-19 hours to go. I think it must calculate it based on a linear track and does not take into account the stall around 165 or the fact that the meat temp rises slower as you get closer to the grill temp... I have no idea how you could make it any better since the stall time and moisture content of every piece of meat would be different.

I will say that this is the nicest graph I have ever been able to get. The best control to date I have ever had on my grill.
What settings do I need to change in order to show live cooks? I have looked through this thread but for the life of me cannot seem to access my HM from outside my network unless I VPN into it first.
Just playing around with the heatermeter/microdamper on my UDS. Burning some old coals since last meat on. ('bout 1/2 basket from a month or so ago)

Microdamper is screwed into a 1" close nipple, no riser at all. top vent (webber lid) is open 50% right now...will run a fresh batch of charcoal tonight with the top vent at 100% open tonight.

Odd spike last night (~20* for 2 hours)..not sure what happened there...but rest of the graphs look pretty good i think.

running 7, .01, 4 on PID
fan: voltage | on above 50% | min 0% | max & start up at 86% (10 CFM fan)
servo: fully open at 50%

Let me know if there is anything obvious I could change to do better.


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OK, Test2

Full bag of charcoal; top vent on webber lid open 100%

PID 7, .01, 4
fan: voltage | on above 50% | min 0% | max & start up at 86% (10 CFM fan)
servo: fully open at 50%

removed food probe, not food. set an ambient temp probe

Update: temp spiked up...seems my connector to the microdamper is not making good connection, the servo was stuck open @4:19pm
Update: now servo working; probably going to hardwire the connection tomorrow (I should have bought the whole kit from SteveCK) - @4:51p
Update: thinking I may have an air leak around the drum-to-webber base...will have to seal that up better than the oven gasket I have sandwiched in there.
Update: ran some hi-temp rtv around the drum-to-webber base and noticed I still had quite a bit of leakage at the lid...folded up foil around that and seems to have helped. this is what i get for putting a webber lid on and not testing that before i test the heatermeter...sigh. after this basket of coals i will double-check things and try again. @~7pm
Update: around 8:30a i started playing with the PID settings, caused increase in oscillation, so I put things back where they were.
Update: @1:05p - shook coal basket to nock off ash...figured that was why fan was at 100%...plenty of coals left, curious how long the UDS will hold 225...
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9lb pork put on the smoker, getting a little nervous.... its the stall, and I'm having ppl over for lunch.

I put this on last night, late, as you can see about the temp started dropping mid evening, nothing too drastic, fortunately I woke up around 4:30, and added more fuel to the fire. I think I caught it in time. This morning I bumped the temp to 250 deg, hopefully to nudge it a little. any advice guys?
4 racks of St Luis Ribs and 2 racks of Back Ribs for my company cookout. (My boss picked up the meat and didn't read the labels, he thought he was getting all Back ribs and I didn't look in the bags till it was prep time and too late to change it. Oh well. ) Cooking on my Chargriller Akorn. This is my first cook on it. I have adjusted the PID to what I saw was a recommended setting for a BGE since they are a similar style cooker. I ran a test run for 7 hrs the other night and my temps were anywhere from 195 to 270 while being set for 225 with the default PID settings. So far so good with the new settings.

My HeaterMeter Cook
Got a prime rib on for dinner.


This is the full part of the cook done on the HeaterMeter. After that the meat comes off while I crank up the temps and then reverse sear it.

It held 300F +/- a couple degrees from time to time. Good stuff!

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