Pork Tenderloin..



TVWBB Olympian
Did a fast but great tasting dinner yesterday. Feels like summer have found its way over here the last week.

Here we go:

A trimmed Tenderloin,with a pocket.

Fill that pocket up with some cheese sticks:

Add some salt/Pepper and roll her up in prosciutto.

Indirect bout 30 min. Cooked faster then i thought. Dident really nail the 140f internal. But it was moist and good anyway.


Plated: With a Pasta sallad ,and some green from the garden.

Next time i will use a sharper cheese. Otherwise it was goood!

Have a great Smokeday Crew!
Quick and easy, yet a very inviting and elegant looking dinner plate. Perfect food for after splashing around in the sun! Great job.
Beautiful summer meal, Daniel. Simple but brilliant.
Good swimmers are there too
Bet the O boys were starved after their swim, but your cooking is what made me starved!

Beautiful kids, cook, and photos Daniel!!

Happy Smoke Day to you my friend!

