Pork "stew" in a squash bowl


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
Hi gang! The weather has been rainy and cool, and I've seen various takes on this recipe... I thought what better way to take the chill off. And the fact that I had a couple of acorn squash I needed to use. In my head I was thinking some CSRs for a slow and low braise; what I ended up getting was from the local carniceria. The gringo sign said boneless pork leg, the sticker on the bag: Pierna De Puerco. Dusted with S & P, garlic granules and oregano - it's about 1 1/3#

sweating the veggies: onion, carrot, parsnip, Jalapeno & garlic, browning the meat

about 90 minutes later I added green beans and mushrooms. The bath is mushroom broth from the grocery

squash bowls are on, I added the squash trimmings to the stew, and the seeds are roasting in bacon renderings

a splash of Maggi and they're done

the total braise time was almost three hours

a tong of meat, a ladle of stew and top with more pork goodness... back on the grill for about a half hour

and done!

No really, we had a green salad too! I thought it turned out pretty good, it was a bigger bowl than Cindy liked (more leftovers!) Thanks for stopping by and see ya later!
Wow Brian I like it. Barb and I have something similar planned for letter in the week using an acorn squash. I showed Barb your concoction and she thinks the bowl idea is great.
That is a wonderful looking cook Brian. I absolutely love it. Acorn squash is one of my favorites and everything else just made it sizzle.
The English translations at Mexican Marts

Brian looks fantastic, that is a great idea, I have a ton of Squash from the garden this year going to have to do something like this.
Brian, that looks outstanding and like Craig said it does look like it came out of a magazine fantastic my friend.

