Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
the guy's been pesterin' me for about a week, at least... you'd think he'd cook his own. 
Nope. I was told Alaskans are persistent yet somewhat laid back when it comes to egging some other on to do their "dirty work".
You may know the type... constantly nags you to do something and while you're satifying them, they simply resort to pullin' up a lounge chair to enjoy watching.
NOT that Morgan IS like that... absolutely not!
Anyway, Morgan, buddy, I poured you a cocktail.
DOWN here, we call it a tanqueray and tonic. Enjoy!
Now, here are the 10 inch long pork steaks, cut at least one inch thick.
Seasoned with Penzey's BBQ3000 and Blues Hog Rub. Set the 26" OTG to 300ºF.
a drip pan beneath and two Yukons nearby... we'll check on these in 45 minutes.
After one-half hour, the steaks were turned for another 30 minutes... All indirect.
okeydokey, time has come to consider saucing the steaks... .
and with that, we'll use Maull's jalapeno barbecue sauce... GREAT STUFF! Not too hot, Not too mild, PERFECT!
A few more minutes over the dying coals then everything was plated.
Garden fresh Patty Pan squash and sweet peppers were sautéed and added to the Yukons with the pork.
Oh yeah, perfect pork steaks! I'm sure Morgan would kill MOOSE and trade for these...
perhaps not.
Anyway, there you have it. And I hope you enjoyed this bit of BS as i have. (I mean PS, as in Pork Steak)
Well, Thanks for visiting, hope your evening is pleasant and worthwhile!

Nope. I was told Alaskans are persistent yet somewhat laid back when it comes to egging some other on to do their "dirty work".
You may know the type... constantly nags you to do something and while you're satifying them, they simply resort to pullin' up a lounge chair to enjoy watching.
NOT that Morgan IS like that... absolutely not!
Anyway, Morgan, buddy, I poured you a cocktail.
Now, here are the 10 inch long pork steaks, cut at least one inch thick.
Seasoned with Penzey's BBQ3000 and Blues Hog Rub. Set the 26" OTG to 300ºF.
a drip pan beneath and two Yukons nearby... we'll check on these in 45 minutes.
After one-half hour, the steaks were turned for another 30 minutes... All indirect.
okeydokey, time has come to consider saucing the steaks... .
and with that, we'll use Maull's jalapeno barbecue sauce... GREAT STUFF! Not too hot, Not too mild, PERFECT!
A few more minutes over the dying coals then everything was plated.
Garden fresh Patty Pan squash and sweet peppers were sautéed and added to the Yukons with the pork.
Oh yeah, perfect pork steaks! I'm sure Morgan would kill MOOSE and trade for these...

perhaps not.
Anyway, there you have it. And I hope you enjoyed this bit of BS as i have. (I mean PS, as in Pork Steak)
Well, Thanks for visiting, hope your evening is pleasant and worthwhile!