Pork butt at Costco

I’ve seen them at $1.49 and down to $0.99/lb. around here. What I really find funny is that whole loins of pork are all over the place! I saw them for $1.49/lb. at Costco with $4.00 off at check out so a full loin was $14.00! I was pressed for space and time had to freeze one whole and the following day people said that would be good! Had to grab one at the store on the corner (time constraints) a half “dog food” manager special was $15.48! I just didn’t want to go back to Costco and then have to break it down with the freezer as full as it is. Then, that whole dinner was changed out! Ended up cutting the half down and vacuum packing it.
I have an interesting family! I’m the one making pretty much any feasts and even doing the cleanup. Sometimes when things end up with last minute changes dinner turns out better than expected.
FYI, was at my Costco this morning, Brookfield, CT, and they had pork butts selling at $2.19 per pound. They are in two packs. Couldn't pass it up.
Just picked up a couple of butts at our local Safeway for $ .99/lb. Last time I bought some a couple of months ago they were $1.29/lb. I've seen them for as high as $1.99, but won't pay that price.
They go on sale here at least every other month for 99 cents a pound. Both Kroger and HEB run these specials. Someone needs to put a deep freeze on sale so I can buy more than 2 at a time.
I always buy pork shoulders when the price is right.
Nothing wrong with a few extra in the freezer.
I prefer the bone in ones but around here they are not always available.
There is just something zen about doing that cook.
I bought and smoked a two pack from Costco on Saturday last week. It seemed like one gigantic shoulder cut in half. Is that normal? I tied them up good with kitchen string and it worked out fine.
Two weeks ago I pulled two butts out of my freezer they were two years old at $1.19/lb. They turned out great. I would have used my WSM but with terrible weather, especially wind, I used my pellet. 19 hours at 225 degrees with my modified BRITU rub. I was at COSTCO last Tuesday and they were $2.19.

