Pin yourself on the WSM Smoke Day 13 Map


Chris Allingham

Staff member
If you'll be participating in WSM Smoke Day 13, pin yourself on the Smoke Day Map!

To add your pin:
  • Visit
  • Click "Additions" menu
  • Click "Add Marker - Simple"
  • Enter your first and last name, your ZIP code, and a description of what you plan to cook
  • Click "Submit"
For those outside the United States, enter your postal code or city name and select your location from the drop-down list.

To see a list of who's on the map:
Here's an example of a past Smoke Day Map:

Aah, a day FULL of (always starting with Delbert McClinton), consciousness-alteration and of course, EATING!!!

Get up in the morning, check the victory garden for pests, need for water and maybe some worm-casting tea. Plants should be two-to-three feet tall by then.
Start the chimney starter. BGE brand lumpy. Time chimney starter for 20 min.
Prep smoker by ditching any old water, fat shards, etc. Prep water pan (yes, I use it, I like it so I'm going to keep using it)
Clean up roasting rack for pork shoulder
Clean top rack (for turkey breasts)
Add unlit lump to the smoker, enough for a 6-7 hour cook. Put lit charcoal on the unlit. Top rack and oven thermometer inside...20 minutes to getup to temp...
Prep meat for the cook. My rub is mostly the same for everything. K.I.S.S.
When smoker is at 220, meat and smoke wood (almost always cherry) go in. Timer set for one hour.
Do some more work in the victory garden, then go inside, pour a double Jack, fire up a blunt and get the ol' consciousness altered.
When timer wakes me up, go out and check smoker internal temp, adjust vents to achieve desired temps.
Set timer for three hours. More drinkin', vapin', yappin' and nappin' Sleep will be deep...kitties will be on my chest. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Three hours later, I awake, check meat temps and pass out again. Another hour, both will be about done. Meat will rest for 30 min.
Slice meat, make sauce.

Then, of course...EAT!!!
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It's not going to be brisket for me. Not too fond of it.
Or maybe I should try what is taste like when it's home made....
Ah.... Decissions....

