Performer Pizza (Steak & Cheese)


Mike Pypiak

TVWBB Member
Got my new Performer delivered yesterday, assembled (one small hitch) and fired it up last night for the first time. Made ribeyes for my wife and I - had some leftovers and figured I'd get creative with the leftovers.

Steak & Cheese Pizza.

I must admit, this is not the first pizza I have ever made, but first time using a grill of any sorts to cook one. I use store bought dough because I have made my own several times and honestly, to me its more of a racket than it is worth.

Pizza sauce is san marzano tomatoes with just a little olive oil, a pinch each of dried parsley, oregano and basil and a pinch of sea salt.

chopped up some green bell pepper and onion, and thinly sliced the leftover ribeye

0219161415_HDR by Mike Pypiak, on Flickr

I have not bought the kettle pizza I used the fire ring from my WSM to elevate a pizza stone. I used two full baskets of kingsford blue and once they were going, just before I put the pizza on I put two huge chunks of hickory to get some fire going in there and get the grill even hotter. I got it up to about 600.

0219161429_HDR by Mike Pypiak, on Flickr

Here is the finished product, I'd say it took maybe 10 minutes tops. Not bad for a first try, next time I think I will split the dough into two and make a thinner crust. Hope you enjoy.

0219161435_HDR by Mike Pypiak, on Flickr
Great looking pizza Mike. I'm planning on getting a performer in a few weeks. Maybe I could get some beginners tips from you.
That's a great looking pie. Barb and I used to do it exactly the same way and got some good pies, then we got the pizza kettle and made some really great pies.
A lot of the folks on the forum use Barbs pizza dough and really like it. Very simple and fast might want to give it a try. It also freezes well.

Homemade Thin Crust Pizza

Makes two 10 inch pizzas:

¾ cups lukewarm water
1 teaspoon active dry or instant yeast
2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 ½ teaspoons salt

Combine the water and yeast in a mixing bowl, and stir to dissolve the yeast. The mixture should look like thin miso soup. Add the flour and salt to the bowl and mix until you’ve formed a shaggy dough.

Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface with corn meal on it. Knead until all the flour is incorporated, and the dough is smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. The dough should still feel moist and slightly tacky. If it’s sticking to your hands and counter top like bubble gum, work in more flour one tablespoon at a time until it is smooth.

If you have time at this point, you can let the dough rise until you need it or until doubled in bulk (about an hour and a half). After rising, you can use the dough or refrigerate it for up to three days.

Cover the dough with the upside down mixing bowl or a clean kitchen towel while you prepare the pizza toppings. Roll out dough on corn meal counter until it’s about ¼ of an inch thick. If the dough starts to shrink back, let it rest for five minutes and then continue rolling. I put corn meal on my peel to transfer it to either the grill or pizza stone. Bake about 10 minutes or until the crust is done.

Enjoy Barb
That's some awesome pizza Mike. If you get the pizza kettle your going to love it. Like Rich said try my pizza dough, lots of the guys on the forum use it and like it a lot. Looking forward to more of you fine cooks.

