Pastrami on the WSM 22


Peter Gallagher

SRF briskets were on sale a couple of weeks ago at our little store - With wings going for north of 6 bucks a pound, it didn't take much self-convincing to pull the trigger. With just the two of us here, doing a brisket is too much, but transforming it into a pastrami makes sense, as it lasts a lot longer. The other good thing was, they weren't too huge - this was a flat coming in around 7 lbs:


I started about 10 days ago. Got it trimmed up and then soaking in the pink salts and pickling spices to create the corned beef.. It didn't really need too much trimming - it had a 1/8" cap on one side which I left.


Fast forward 9 days, and we're ready for some rub. I weighed it after its bath and desalination. It increased in weight by just under 10%


Got things fired up... This is at about 6:00AM


got some tunes going.... (I enjoy how Jim, Chuck and others share their cooking tunes :) -)


Action shot: This is about 160 degrees and just before I wrapped it.


... pulled it at 200, let it rest for a couple of hours wrapped in a cooler - and now ready for slicing.....


...and served on some Jewish rye with kraut, swiss and provolone - I forecast some corned beef hash in our future....

That looks just perfect, Peter! I still haven't done my own pastrami from scratch, just the faux-strami from corned beef. I've got all the curing agents, etc, and cure plenty of bacon, just never pastrami! May just have to get off my butt and get one done!

Boy do I love Pastrami and man does yours look amazing Peter. What awesome tune too. I had the album Rock of Ages (The Band) I bet it's been 20 years since I've listened to it. I may have to buy that one again, the album didn't hold up too well in my younger years. Some fantastic photos too Peter, you're killin' it
Boy do I love Pastrami and man does yours look amazing Peter. What awesome tune too. I had the album Rock of Ages (The Band) I bet it's been 20 years since I've listened to it. I may have to buy that one again, the album didn't hold up too well in my younger years. Some fantastic photos too Peter, you're killin' it
Thanks... several years ago, I gave my vinyl collection to a was tough to let go, but I had gone 100% digital since, and most of the albums were in pretty rough shape...(probably like your Rock of Ages... lol) .....too many years of taping pennies to the tone arm to slice through the skips... probably not recommend by audiophiles....:) Never saw The Band with Robbie Robertson, but got to see them open for the Dead on NYE in 1983 down in your neck of the woods, at the SF Civic....

