Passover 19.74lb Jewish style brisket



TVWBB Hall of Fame
Passover is coming up Friday night and I’ll be starting my cook today.

Menu is still being finalized but I’ve got my brisket purchased already. Going to pan sear and then bake it in the oven in a homemade broth.

I’ll be posting pics and other menu items as this comes together over the next 48 hours.

Enjoy the journey as this one will be a big cook.

Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all my TVWBB friends. May we find and experience world peace so all people can live free and without terror, bombs, missiles and bullets.

The Brisket!

Really great! Cooked a brisket recently both ways. Texas and "jewish" style. The pan one was far better.
Btw. I thiught it had to be pan cooked. Tell me how the oven way works. And how big a pan....!
Really great! Cooked a brisket recently both ways. Texas and "jewish" style. The pan one was far better.
Btw. I thiught it had to be pan cooked. Tell me how the oven way works. And how big a pan....!
I’ll include pan pics. First trick is to cut the brisket at the flat/point section to get two manageable beef pieces so they fit in a single pan.
Is that chea...
So how much would a LeCreuset pan cost that could hold that whole?
Yeah separating should work better and fit better. Following this.
Tomato or pomegranate?
Beyond my budget. Im not that rich for the French stuff. But I’d guess that’d run me $400. Ouch!

No Toms and no Poms. No sweet in this recipe. Pure savory goodness. Cut it with a fork when it’s served. Like budder.
Is that chea...
So how much would a LeCreuset pan cost that could hold that whole?
Yeah separating should work better and fit better. Following this.
Tomato or pomegranate?
It's really not cheating. Brisket, for Jews was a cheap cut way back when that took hours of cooking to become tender. Rich people ate steaks. Poor people with less resources ate the cheaper cuts. I remember when brisket flats, whole were $1.99#. I could feed 20 people for $35 back then. I'm only in my less than mid-fifties.

I'll source up a good story to share on briskets and old world Jewish cooking.

Menu has liver pate,
Matzoh ball soup with fried scrambled eggs (no leavened products for Passover - like breads, pasts, rice, beans, flours, corn, and more)
Potato kugel

still deciding on the rest
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a good first read for those wanting background on brisket and Jews. it's like a brotherhood; the two have been together for centuries:

worth reading, and from a Texas brisket approach:
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Interesting, looking forward to it as usual.

My brothers mother in law does amazing things with tri-tips in the oven. So much better than what I can do. Just shows all meats don’t need to be grilled or smoked.
50 hard boiled eggs.

Some will go into liver pate, Seder table, egg salad and I’ll likely need to make another 24 on Friday.


Half sour garlic cocktail cucumbers (Costco). Salinity of 4% by weight. Lots of crushed whole garlic cloves, black peppercorns, dried dill, 2 dried chili peppers per container, mustard seeds, and 2 bay leaves per container. Extra water on top of outside container lid to act as a valve as the ferment begins. Should be able to get a good flavor in 48 hours. And 72 hours the 2nd night’s Seder. All countertop ferment.

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When I saw “50…” I thought the same thing!
I did an oven brisket many years ago, started with about five pounds of sliced onions, my grandmothers giant Guardianware roaster and a 300 degree oven if I remember right. Ill have to see if I can find the recipe!
Major shopping done. I think I have all my ingredients. Famous last words.

Four hind lamb shanks for braising. Either for Friday or Saturday dinner. Still deciding. Got to have two main dishes in my house. Gluttony.


Fresh duck. Yup, that’s head and neck still on. Again, either Friday or Saturday. Leaning towards Sat is I can grill this during the day.


Potatoes for the Seder. IIRC, page 12 of the Haggadah (the story of Passover)


Frying 6 diced onions for both the liver pâté and the potato kugel. Sautéed onions are better than raw in a kugel. They just have more depth of flavor.


Chicken liver pâté with sautéed onions. Cook this through and then SP for seasoning. Very little oil and will add water during the cook. The oil makes it too heavy flavor wise. Water is a nice neutral thinner to get the slight emulsified texture once through the food processor.


Small potatoes are cooked and cooled.


More to come. I’m deep in this cook with my son and daughter helping out.

Liver is cooked. Just seasoned with SP only. Added some water to get correct consistency so it smooths out in the food processor.

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Yippee! That looks truly wonderful! I don’t seem to have the three day preparation desire much anymore. I’ll start some prep for Easter tomorrow but, who knows where I will end up?
Yippee! That looks truly wonderful! I don’t seem to have the three day preparation desire much anymore. I’ll start some prep for Easter tomorrow but, who knows where I will end up?
I feel the same way. With my dad getting up in age, we don’t know how many more of these he’ll have so it’s a big family affair this year. I’d prefer smaller and less but that will happen automatically in time. Just not this year, thankfully.
Beginnings of Charoset. This is a traditional version, apples, walnuts, cinnamon and some Manny Extra Heavy Malaga (Concord grape wine, which we’ll discuss later. And I’ve got a great story that some might find fascinating)


Yes, this is the Manny. We call it motor oil. Yes, it comes in a magnum. Yes, you should be concerned. Deeply concerned.


Apples and walnuts.



Liver is cooked and done.


Charoset is done. Apples, walnuts, cinnamon and Manny motor oil. Tastes great. Reminder of the bricks and mortar the Jews were forced to lay as they were enslaved in Egypt (Passover story). These flavors will marry overnight and tastes great tomorrow. It’s actually kind of healthy.

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