Part Two - Cooking for the Outlaws


Jak Stepan

oddly enough, california tony - I had just picked up some Michelob just last Thursday also... and every time I do I hear that same commercial 'weekends were made for Michelob' as well.... see my ice box - 4th from left is the ice cold Michelob. come down, have some.

heres part 2 of my side show bbq cooks for the outlaw's visit on Saturday (wife's family). a local market had usda prime sirloin at $4/lb cant beat that. got three of them cut at 1.5", then i trimmed and cubed them so they'd cook more evenly to try to please the crowd. just a little salt and pepper this time and let the meat, fire, and pit do the rest. used chunks of pecan wood with the standby kingsford briquettes. so, no secrets on this one.

beef ribs (my previous post, and pic above) are on the first pit.

that dude showed up again, drankin the michelob

I know what it looks like, but I did close the lid - 45 mins. perfect.

thanks for checking in. comments - suggestions welcome.

don't lift the lid...
Looks great! Load them up with protein and beer and send them on the way! But the problem is, with grub like that, they'll keep coming back!
Jak looks perfect...that Sunshine and a cold Beer looks well I don't know haven't seen that in months. Great cook Bud!
Thats pretty funny Jak. like that shadow pic. That sirloin looks perfect. - My only suggestion would be to make more and drive them up the 1500 miles to us - oh and bring BBQ while driving through the south...thanks.

