Overnighter Brisket


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
SO...I've been planning this brisket cook since last weekend which was a rain delay for this weekend. I decided to start my weekend early (today): I bailed on work, flew by Wally World, found a nice 12.5 lb brisket, brought her home, popped a top and started a chimney of my Stubb's, filled my charcoal ring, popped a top, and started trimming off fat. (The first one always goes down so quick.) I popped another top and dusted this beauty with SPOG on both sides, filled the water pan with HOT water and am settling in for LOW and SLOW all nighter (I like water for LOW and SLOW). My goal is to keep the temp between 200 and 215*. (close to if not under the boiling point) So far so good: about an hour in and I'm at 3 beers and it's rising and falling between 203 and 213* with the prettiest TBS you've ever seen. LOL Now, I'm sittin out by the cooker makin sure than needle doesn't move!!! (with plenty of beer) See ya about this time tomorrow with what I plan on being a very moist, tender hunk-o-beef.

So are you sleeping out there tonight? I 'm lucky if I can stay up past 9! I guess I'm paying for my sins in the 70's and 80's!
Dwain... Is that a temp probe in a potato???? I would have done more than one potato with that much meat :D.... What is the reason for that???
So are you sleeping out there tonight? I 'm lucky if I can stay up past 9! I guess I'm paying for my sins in the 70's and 80's!

NO, I'll get the temps stable and be in my bed by 10 PM and sleep like a baby. The WSM will do the rest. AHHHH -- the 70's. I miss those days. LOL

Dwain... Is that a temp probe in a potato???? I would have done more than one potato with that much meat :D.... What is the reason for that???

I lost my little clip thingy, so I use a potatoe to hold the pit temp probe. LOL
I did the same thing last weekend Dwain but did not use water. Wished I had, you can't beat water to maintain the low temps. Looks good.
I'm with ya, Dwain. Getting woke up a bunch by a beeping Maverick temp receiver sucks, and only electronic gadgetry can beat out water for holding temps. Good luck with your brisket.
Well, I woke up this AM to a cooker chuggin away at 217*. A couple hours later the brisket was at 180* internal so I decided to probe with a wooden kabob skewer for tenderness. It was tender all over so I declared victory at ~ 17 hours. I was shooting for 18 hrs so I must have had a temp spike while sleeping. Oh well, builds character. I stole a piece from the thin end of the flat before wrapping in foil and letting it rest. It has a fantastic flavor and is VERY juicy - even on the thin end. Though I think I'll do a couple things different next time for fire managment's sake, I'll call this cook a complete success.


A cpl hours later I decided to do burnt ends so I hit the point with some Galena and put it back on the pit.


Lunch is served. (I love burnt ends!)

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Glad it worked out for ya, Dwaine. What would you do different?

I would not use as much lit to start with. I used a whole chimney and I should go with either a half large chimney or use the smaller chimney full. I would probably also close the top vent down a little bit to cut down on the chimney effect in an effort to control temps (Keep it LOW).
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That looks like the Classic Brisket Cook Dwain. It's always hard to improve on something that good other than a minor tweak.
Nice job.:)

