Overnight brisket


Jason Noble

TVWBB All-Star
I've never tried cooking a brisket overnight for 10-14 hrs. I have always done the high heat method and have gotten good results just the bark suffers from the foil. I picked up a 12.5 lb. packer at Walmart on a reduced for quick sale deal. Paying $2.09 lb. for brisket sure is nice. I seasoned with just salt and pepper and did a little fat trimming.

226 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

I used KBB and 3 hickory and 1 apple chunks.

228 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Brisket barely fit on the 18.5" I had to shoe horn the sucker in there.

230 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

So the brisket went on a 10:45 pm and I stayed up till 12:00 to make sure the temps had stabalized. Later that night I woke up and saw that the temp had risen to 290 degres. I adjusted the vents and it fell back to the 250 range.

231 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

I wrapped the thin part of the flat end loosely with foil to try to keep it moist.

232 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Cooked the brisket to probe tender and then wrapped in foil and towles and into a cooler till evening. I also grilled and smoked some enhanced baked beans and corn on the OTG.

233 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

259 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

260 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

264 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

The first few slices on the point end were a touch dry but the rest was fine. I like the simple salt and pepper rub you really taste the meat. Overall if I have time the overnight cook gives you such a nice bark and it really is alot of fun. Thanks for looking.
Definitely some terrific looking bark, Jason. The interior of the sliced brisket looks nice and moist, too. Great results for a great price!
That's an awesome looking meal. An overnight brisket is on my list of things to try this Summer. Great job.
Fantastic cook Jason, have not done an overnighter for two years but seeing that inspires me to do it again. Very well done my friend
Great looking brisket, Jason. Wal Mart does have some beautiful Packers. I've never seen one for $2.09/lb. What a great deal.
I got my first brisket in the freezer, I wish my first brisket cooking turned out like this. It looks very good Jason.

