Overdid ribs


Sean H

We were in the mood for ribs, so the little lady went off to the grocery store and picked up a slab of spares. Here they are on the WSM after about an hour:


I foiled them about 2.5 hours in, and the two hours they spent in the foil cooked the heck out of them. Two bones on the outside edge fell right off. Luckily, they were still pretty darn tasty, and weren't quite falling off the bone. These wouldn't win any competitions, but they sure tasted good.


Obviously I've just been out of practice. Time to rectify that!
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Still look good. I usually don't foil longer then 45 minutes if I foil. Have had the same thing happen many times.
Ribs look good. I am not much of a fan of foiling ribs unless I do them hot and fast. For me I think they get a little too mushy for my tastes. To each their own, I say cook them the way you, your friends and family like them!!!
I love those fried onions and green beans. I had the same issue with ribs last weekend. I followed my same process, same brand (no solution), and they cooked too much in the foil. I'll foil for less time from now on to be safe. I hear if the meat had been frozen it will cooked faster.
I too have started to cook mine unfoiled. I like the texture better and prefer them not to fall off the bone but to pull easily with a bite. But heck, I'll never turn down a rib or two foiled or not!
I normally go with no foil. I decided I wanted to speed things along a little, and put a little layer of flavor on the ribs. The latter worked like a charm, because these bad boys were packed with flavor. Unfortunately I sped the process up a little too much. They weren't terribly overcooked, just a little too much for my tastes. The bones in the middle of the slab were actually pretty good.
Look great from here! I always have foiled but the next time I'm going to try them without foil.
I just foiled for the first time this weekend and it worked, but it was only for 1.5 hours. The ribs were only cooked for two hours before that. They were firm but soo tender.

Yours still look great though! And my wife does like them falling off the bone.

