One photo.... breakfast/lunch/dinner.



TVWBB Emerald Member
Just for fun, post your best 2016 photo of your breakfast/lunch/dinner cook.

Ill start and will be humbled in a few short minutes by the likes of the great cooks on this forum.

This post is destined to page 4 by tomorrow :p, thanks Chuck and Mildo thats what I'm talking about.

One more from me before it gets buried...;)


For 2016, mine would be these tasty spare ribs I did a few months ago :).

All of the food that is posted here looks really good!!!!!
WOW!!! They all look delicious but Clint your plate is awesome. But to be fare I'd have to try them all.;)
WOW!!! They all look delicious but Clint your plate is awesome. But to be fare I'd have to try them all.;)

Agreed Barb, Clint picture was off the charts.

Bacon wrapped boneless skinless chicken thighs stuffed with feta chesse and asparagus...

James J, I'm steeling this recipe/cook from you.

Dinner, daughter doesn't like bakers but she loves skillet potatoes.

Pat G. Steak, Asparagus and Potatoes, it's whats for dinner, a little slicing and your daughter is happy.

One photo is about what I have time for these days :( Sure do miss posting pics here.

I would like to inquire about this cook P. Mac, as i want to take a bite out of that right now.
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Great looking grub everyone!
I've been grilling/b-queing aplenty in 2016, just not taking as many pics or posting.
This is one I did post, a "just for me" sirloin cap steak cook on March 2, 2016.


