Olive Garden's Tuscan Garlic Chicken


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Followed this recipe with a couple of changes, used chicken thighs and used pecorino romano cheese because that is what I had on hand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8QfcX2qZKU

Floured and fried the chicken in a little olive oil.

Then finished the chicken indirect.

The sauce. I got a pasta maker for Fathers Day and gave it a try today and made some fettuccine. Was good but should have made the pasta sheet a notch or two thinner.

Table For ONE Please, and don't stop with thhe Vino and breadsticks!
And MORE Garlic Chicken Waiter!!

Please don't compare any of the great home cooking that you do with anything that comes out of the olive gardens' kitchen.

The OG couldn't put out food with half the flavor.
Pasta looks great to me..It should be a bit rustic. And the more time you spend doing it the less point of making your own.(the dryed is just to good these days)

But the plated shot with everything looks divine!

