Next Smoke


Eric Lee

TVWBB Member
Hi my first smoke of pork butts went ok. 2 butts with 6 fist sized chunks of apple/cherry. So the next time I want to get a deeper smoke flavor. Should I add more wood or try to keep the lid temp lower? it hovered around 275-300 thanks.
Temps are fine IMO as I cook all my butts in that range. Like Russ I use primarily Hickory and get plenty of smoke Flavour. Good wood with the right moisture content makes a difference to me also.
Try it and experiment with different species till you find what works best for you.

Apple and Cherry are mild smoke woods. Oak is stronger and Hickory even more so. I think my best butts were done with Hickory and Oak. If you go with that combination I would recommend you start with four (2 and 2) fist sized chunks and see how that compares. Just a thought. Have fun with it.
I agree with Tim, Lew and Russ. IMO pork butts cry out for hickory. Try mixing some hickory and apple, I usually go 3 & 3 when I do butts.
Pecan I tell you, Pecan. It won't give you strong smoke like hickory, but it is my new favorite. Been using it solely all year.
Originally posted by Jeff R:
Pecan I tell you, Pecan. It won't give you strong smoke like hickory, but it is my new favorite. Been using it solely all year.

Love the stuff, but never tried solely pecan for pork butts. I use lots of different woods, especially wood I don't have to pay for. While hickory is my go-to for pork butt, pecan is the most versatile and easy to use wood there is, for long smokes, especially. It burns much longer than fruit wood, doesn't spike temps as much as hickory or oak, and goes with everything.

