New wsm 18

There are seals, but it is recommended to cook for a while and things will seal up. If you want, you can seal it from the beginning. The metal ahould still be cleaned from any oils, then have at it. Is it necessary. Rarely.
Let it seal with the love of your first dozen pork butts! Sometimes there are a few leaks around the door but, I’d see how it looks and tweak the door if necessary. I got mine from a member of the forum and it was just perfectly “gunked” up, I’ve not needed to do anything to it. Working with it this weekend, pork butt, and a bunch of sides!
How does the door fit the contour of your WSM ,like dose it fit tight alone the centerline of the door know and you can see a gap around the outside edges?
If so you can reform the door by slightly bending and checking the fit of the door,so you do not over bend it.
You can use a door jamb,or fence post, or a patio roof post. I got my door to almost perfect fit in 20 minutes of effort.
Alot cheaper, and if it does not work for you,no harm no foul go buy a door of your choice.
I bought mine used from a co-worker's husband. As he told me, "I scrubbed all the gunk off for you". It's sealed up nicely again after a good bunch of pork butts, ribs, turkey, etc. I wouldn't use a gasket. Just cook on it. I did reshape my door a touch, but it's as near perfect now as it will ever be, and will hold a steady temp all day long and then some.

If you have access to a Costco, buy a pack or 2 of their pork butts. Make your family (and neighbors/friends) sick of all the pulled pork you cook with that thing.
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Just got a new 18 wsm. Do I need to seal lid and door or just use it first? What seal kit should i get if needed?
Congratulations. I got mine a few years ago when I retired and have enjoyed it ever since. all I did was burn off the factory oils by cooking a load of Kingsford in it. I also added a couple garage door handles to the side of the drum for easier handling When lifting on and off. Keep your eyes open for when Home Depot has sales on Kingsford around Memorial Day weekend. Good time to load up on fuel.
measure across all sections in a X pattern to make sure they are not out of round, squeeze the sides if they appear to be "oval" shaped...when I assemble my cooker I do it the same way every cook...I align a particular vent with the door (my ocd) , after several cooks any sort of gaps fill in with carbonized grease-smoke-gunk.... which eventually means less smoke leakage...I also adjusted my door to an almost perfect fit, by bending the edges inward toward the cooker body slightly...this causes the door edges to seal off better, when placing the door on the cooker the edges will touch the cooker body and you have to apply a tiny bit of pressure to turn the door knob into the closed position.

doing all of the above the cooker loves 250-280 degrees, this is both good and bad...if I want to ramp the temp up to crisp up chicken skin then I have to prop the door open some....the cooker just wont ride at 325 degrees for very long, even if I build a good size fire in it ...will eventually come back down to the normal range and stay there...I know this sounds crazy considering the cooker when new can easily hit 325-350 if allowed

one mistake I did was to try to tighten the vents, a couple were a little bit looser than I liked so I placed a ballpeen hammer in a vice and held the lower section on the rivet-hammer and hit the other side with another hammer to tighten the careful, too much causes the vent to flare away from the body out some...Im considering ordering a new set with a nut and bolt to fix the issue instead.
Just got a new 18 wsm. Do I need to seal lid and door or just use it first? What seal kit should i get if needed?
Assemble it, light some charcoal, and start cooking!

Assemble it, light some charcoal, and start cooking!

Great advice Chris. After the first use I put on the wheels. All my grills have to be able to move around. Only mod so far. Handles on the middle section may come soon. But the one thing I can recommend to everyone that grills is a remote thermometer of some type. My grilling has drastically improved being able to monitor temps without going and opening the grill all the time;-)

