New to me 18.5 wsm



TVWBB Wizard
I just got my first WSM.
I‘ve never had one so I’m in for a learning curve.

This is my 3rd smoker, my other two are verticals.
I also have 2 performer kettles, a couple of little portable charcoal grills, an adjustable pit grate I made, a big stainless gasser and a large Blackstone.
Kinda funny how these start adding up huh?

I bought it used off of Craigslist for $240.
The sellers wife apparently doesn’t like smoked food.
It‘s only been used 3 times and the guy did some work to it and tossed in some extra goodies.

It looks cleaner than anything I own and the grates are even still shiny. I’ll have to fix that :).
It came with a vortex defuser, new lower rack temp guage , a new cover, newly installed gaskets, a small chimney, extra gasket material and a couple sacks of kingsford.
Other than a set of locking wheels and clamps I don’t think I really need to do much to it, maybe an extra charcoal grate to lay down perpendicular.
I don’t think I want a lid hinge even though they sorta look cool.
I don’t dig my wire bale style kettle lid holder on my performers because they kinda crowd me while I’m cooking so I just place the lids on my Blackstone or one of the other smokers.
Probably do the same with this one.
I have no desire to run a temp controller.
I might get a rotisserie.
I’ve always liked them and mine either walked off or was loaned out to somewhere.
I could use some recommendations for what I need and for what I don’t know I need for this.

The water pan/bowl has never been used because he had that vortex thing.
It looks like the way to go but I’m not sure if I need to run a drip pan on the lower rack or somewhere else.

Thank you guys.
Great rundown and sounds like a good deal. I'm umming and ahhing about a hinge, as you say look cool but can just put the lid down nearby.
Got any photos?
Having some specific place to set the lid is important! I’ve been debating a hinge for mine for a long time. I took three pieces of scrap oak from my cabinet makers (seemingly endless) barrels, drilled a hole through and put a piece of paracord through it knotted one end and looped the other. I just drop it onto the paver patio, or ground, whatever. When not in use, it hangs in the smoker cabaña.IMG_0397.jpegIMG_0395.jpeg
Smart! The loose triangle allows it to collapse when not needed. Otherwise the three-pointed l star would be unwieldy.perhaps useful, but... throwing at poachers not recommended.
Wayne bday could be.the official start of the bbq season. Amateurs that is. I know tvwbb members do not let a little weather get in the way.
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The John Wayne birthday party has been a tradition for a number of years here! The last was an appetizer party and it was smashing success!
Edit- The JW party coincides with ”Smoke day” for me, a fine griller is my sideman so, Pat and I throw down some pretty fine feasts! Good bourbon, mountains of grilled and smoked treats, some of my old bandmates have come so, music! It’s been a fine time!
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Great price for a barely used 18 with a bunch of extras!

My $0.02..... If you are gonna get a rotisserie - get one for the kettles since you have two (I'm keeping a Silver B for when I finally get around to a roti) and get a chicken/rib hanger for the WSM - you'd get more use out of it. Wheel kit ---- I don't really see the need for it on an 18" (just like the hinge) - its easy enough to move around in pieces anyways..... I store the (unused) water pan & heat deflector + coal baskets/fixtures in it - so when I want to use it I have to disassemble it anyways. Just get/make a little dolly if you really want to. You don't have to get fancy to have a lid holder - I just use a scrap piece of 2x4 - now upgraded to a scrap piece of Trex (classy!) - to set the lid on to keep the dirt/grass/pine needles out of the smoker.
Be forewarned about setting the lid down on the patio/deck or garage floor after/between uses --- it tends to make grease rings.
Great price for a barely used 18 with a bunch of extras!

My $0.02..... If you are gonna get a rotisserie - get one for the kettles since you have two (I'm keeping a Silver B for when I finally get around to a roti) and get a chicken/rib hanger for the WSM - you'd get more use out of it. Wheel kit ---- I don't really see the need for it on an 18" (just like the hinge) - its easy enough to move around in pieces anyways..... I store the (unused) water pan & heat deflector + coal baskets/fixtures in it - so when I want to use it I have to disassemble it anyways. Just get/make a little dolly if you really want to. You don't have to get fancy to have a lid holder - I just use a scrap piece of 2x4 - now upgraded to a scrap piece of Trex (classy!) - to set the lid on to keep the dirt/grass/pine needles out of the smoker.
Be forewarned about setting the lid down on the patio/deck or garage floor after/between uses --- it tends to make grease rings.
Hence the three stick rest. It also aids in avoiding chips from “pavement contact” as well.
Thanks for the encouragement guys.
Timothy that 3 piece lid rest looks fantastic and I’m going to make one.

I plan on breaking in the wsm this Thursday with a bone in pork shoulder that I have tucked away in the freezer.
I figure a pork shoulder will be forgiving and give me some cook time on it.
I’m going to set up on our gravel the driveway for this cook rather than the beck deck because I don’t know how it will act yet.

I do have some questions if you all don’t mind.
It came with a vortex plate and I think I’d rather use that than deal with nasty water.
We have a hard enough time getting rid of our instant pot liquid in our remote area.
I don’t want it in my septic and there was a monster sized puma in the area posted on next door the other day.
Between that big cat, bears and our dogs I don’t want to dump that stuff on our property.
I just picked up a used 18.5 wsm that came with the Hunsaker vortex plate and an unused water bowl.
I plan on using the vortex plate w/no water bowl and an aluminum pan on the lower rack.
does that sound about right?

I never considered that dripping grease would taste foul.
Is t that how flavor bars work?
Am I not seeing something?

I don’t really want to be in the 225 range and was thinking 275-300, no water, no injection and fat cap on top.
Will this work and not be too dry

I was also going to use an old 5” diameter metal coffee can I have (will modify) to hold my hot coals tight until I remove it.
This seems like it would make more sense than just randomly tossing in a half a chimney sort of in the center.
How come nobody does this?

Thanks again.
I'll let Tim answer before I give my newbie recommendations.....
Why in all creation would you allow deference to my humble concepts,.😉
OK, all self serving Hoo raw aside.
Just straight first hand observation and experience…
I cannot speak to the hunsacker vortex plate, no first hand knowledge. Several folks here like them, solid design.
I just use a foil wrapped terracotta plant saucer, cheap, easily replaced if required. Grease is contained and easily dispatched in the garbage can, minimal mess. Do not run any of that stuff down a sewer line! Ever!
I use the “Enrico Brandizzi Sidewinder Ignition method” as opposed the the traditional Minion method. Full spread of smoke medium across the bottom, fill the ring as insanely full as possible, assemble the midsection, touch off the charcoal Through the door, 2-3 minutes close the whole thing up, go to bed and not worry about it until the next morning.
Sometimes things don’t perform as expected so, keep a fresh pair of jockeys ready when the remote thermometer hits target temp three hours ahead of “schedule”.
Seriously do not chase the ten degree window! Thirty degree swings are not a big deal, PATIENCE is the key! 225 is great, IF you have the time to baby sit. I shoot for 250-275 so far, no problems that new underwear didn’t fix. End product has never been disappointing!
Really, the most important thing is to remember “IT WILL BE DONE WHEN IT IS FINISHED, DO NOT TRY TO RUSH IT!” This is a very relaxing method of cookery. Have plenty of reading material, beverages, and a comfortable place to enjoy the feast present itself.
I hope that clear as mud.
Now as questions arise, the many more experienced than I are sure to offer sage advice.
Now, I’m going to bed.
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I just got my first WSM.
I‘ve never had one so I’m in for a learning curve.

This is my 3rd smoker, my other two are verticals.
I also have 2 performer kettles, a couple of little portable charcoal grills, an adjustable pit grate I made, a big stainless gasser and a large Blackstone.
Kinda funny how these start adding up huh?

I bought it used off of Craigslist for $240.
The sellers wife apparently doesn’t like smoked food.
It‘s only been used 3 times and the guy did some work to it and tossed in some extra goodies.

It looks cleaner than anything I own and the grates are even still shiny. I’ll have to fix that :).
It came with a vortex defuser, new lower rack temp guage , a new cover, newly installed gaskets, a small chimney, extra gasket material and a couple sacks of kingsford.
Other than a set of locking wheels and clamps I don’t think I really need to do much to it, maybe an extra charcoal grate to lay down perpendicular.
I don’t think I want a lid hinge even though they sorta look cool.
I don’t dig my wire bale style kettle lid holder on my performers because they kinda crowd me while I’m cooking so I just place the lids on my Blackstone or one of the other smokers.
Probably do the same with this one.
I have no desire to run a temp controller.
I might get a rotisserie.
I’ve always liked them and mine either walked off or was loaned out to somewhere.
I could use some recommendations for what I need and for what I don’t know I need for this.

The water pan/bowl has never been used because he had that vortex thing.
It looks like the way to go but I’m not sure if I need to run a drip pan on the lower rack or somewhere else.

Thank you guys.
Congratulations Andy, sounds like you got yourself a gem. I hope you get hooked on it, and in my view that thing should get a pork shoulder on it pronto.


