New Project Redhead 1100

I think you got a winner, Bruce! Will look forward to seeing next spring. Go for the black handle and end caps:o
Jon, I would swap out all my handles and knobs for black if I had extra sets. The ones on the skyline were my only ones. They are not very common in the wild around here.
Bruce that looks like a pretty good pickup for 35 bucks, I like the green its different and I am sure when you got to sell it a lot of people will like it for that reason.
Jon, I would swap out all my handles and knobs for black if I had extra sets. The ones on the skyline were my only ones. They are not very common in the wild around here.

I am so far really impressed with the results I got from Krylon Fusion for plastic. I finally broke down and bought new black knobs for my Skyline from Weber (helped get me free shipping for some other parts) and I honestly think the painted one I did for the side burner looks better than the new ones.


I think it is key to get the parts TOTALLY degreased and do several coats. Then be patient allowing it time to cure in a dry place (like inside) for a good while. You could maybe paint a bunch of parts this winter and let them cure until needed in the spring.

I realize that the jury is out for long-term durability, but I am more optimistic than I was before. I especially think it would not be a problem for the end pieces. The handle does take a lot of abuse, but even an original gets beyond cleaning after a while. If you have to repaint in a couple years that wouldn’t be the worst thing, at least in my mind.
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Jon, I totally agree for a personal grill, but I wouldn't want to sell a grill to someone and have them somehow scrape off the black paint accidentally or when they tried to clean them with something abrasive. But, yah, I have to agree that the painted one is prettier than the solid ones. I just might wind up doing my redhead knobs black. I wonder what red knobs would look like...ehhhhh?

But, I can't really do them in the winter up here. It is just too cold out even to quick spray them and bring them inside to dry.
Bruce, I am putting the finishing touches on another just like that. Hoping to get a little sunshine
so I can pull it out and take some pics this weekend.
Degreaser and a power washer will likely clean the shelves nicely.
Yah, I sent him some photos of a grill I did last summer. I think he might be wishing he had his green head back after a year or two with the Kenmore.

I am not sure exactly what models he was looking at, but he considered a Weber but it was $1200 and he got a "similar" Kenmore for $300. But, he didn't seem to be the type of guy to open a grill and do any repairs beyond replacing grates. He didn't know what "flavorizer bars" were. The burners inside were all screwed up. The middle one was hanging free with no crossover to support it and the front burn was off of its mounting bolt and all cockeyed. The gas collector for the igniter is installed backwards. And the igniter knob on the control panel panel is broken. He seems to be the type of guy that will just buy a new grill when the old one has a problem. So a disposable grill is probably a good thing for him. I just hope he doesn't think his new Kenmore will last him 15 years like his Genesis Silver B did.
Funny thing is that he lives in a home that easily cost over a half million in SW Madison.
So now that I found a silver b so I can restore my silver C as I needed the firebox I have decided to focus on the 1100 for the winter starting the wood next week. Leaving it the way it is just about got the frame stripped will need to buy some of those star things for the cross 1" tubing turns out MC has a local office here in ATL going to call them and see if I can just go there and pick stuff up avoid the shipping.

I always liked redheads but I am intrigued by the Black Lid against the wood fueled by you skyline guys and hoping the silver b does not have the dreaded fade. So the difference in this picture is I will have wood on the bottom slats since that is what my grill has the redhead lid is going to the silver c.
I do like black hood grills, ESPECIALLY with wood slats. That one Brian referenced is a good example.

Here is another - not mine though I wish I could claim credit for it:


