Need pork butt advice


Colby R

TVWBB Super Fan
I've only had my wsm a couple months and so far I've made about 20 racks of ribs all of which have been absolutely stunning have even made them for family and friends and heard they were the best they had we'll decided to finally do pork butts since I can't afford a decent brisket anyways I bought a pair of Bone in butts 15.50 pounds total I figure 225 or 250 but how long and inject or don't inject when to foil etc all advice is greatly appreciated
You'll enjoy doing the butts. Fun and almost always turn out excellent. If there is one meat that is almost set it and forget it, it's the butt.
We do ours at 250, while others may cook it at different temperatures. Try foiling them once you like the color and the bark. This generally happens during the stall.
As far as injecting them, we have always injected and more for additional flavor than anything else.

Wishing you an Excellent cook.
Hey Colby,

15.5 lbs (I'm assuming untrimmed) I think you're looking at 15 hrs easy at 225. Now if you foil that'll shorten it obviously. Personally I don't foil as I think it softens the bark which to me is the icing on the cake for pulled pork. I inject as well, but I don't think it's required as pork butt has plenty of fat to keep it juicy.
Going to run down and inject thoroughly with apple juice and worchester sauce ... Cook at 250 til it hits internal temp of 160 to 165 then foil and cook to 195 internal temp at same
Time going to crock pot mushrooms onions and peppers with some of the injection sauce
That sounds good. I wouldn't inject your first one but anyway you have a good plan; 195 is the earliest I'd pull it.
Just did one yesterday (Sunday) 7 pounds injected with AJ & ACV with a tablespoon of the dry rub mixed in, used Kansas City dry rub on the outside. Ran 250-260 on the mini with 3 medium chunks of apple wood, foiled at 160 added 1/2 cup AJ/ACV, brown sugar and butter on the top. Fork test at 200 done, let stand with the foil open for one hour the bone pulled out clean with no resistance. Came out sweet and tender. Total time 7 hours.
I use Harry Soo's recipe as given in the link above. I have used several different recipes in the past but that is now my "standard". In fact, I'll be trying out my new 14.5" WSM this week with that recipe. I will be doing two pork butts, side by side, with one on the Mini-Joe and one on the .14.5". I am having all of my kids with their families visit in a month or so and they'll be arriving at different times, and all hungry, no doubt. I will have the pulled pork vacuum packed and in the freezer for quick meals when they get here.

You might think that is a long way ahead to worry about. Well, I NEED a BBQ fix and the weather forecast is that we'll get a respite from winter with rain melting all of the snow together with warming temperatures. That'll allow me to get to the smokers and grill and I AM READY!! So, I will take advantage of the changing weather, and do a real test of the two smokers side by side just for kicks (and the wonderful BBQ they'll give us).

Keep on smokin',
Colby, I suggest you cook one and freeze one. The fact you bought them bone in is all you need to determine doneness. Once you can twist the bone out with your fingers, it's done. There are lots of great rubs out there. I just cooked one yesterday too. I normally do not foil mine I just take them right through but I will sometimes add a finishing sauce. We really like the crispy bark and I mix that in with the rest of the butt. There are so many ways to cook a butt it's all about preference. Simple is a great way to start.
As you can tell, opinions are all over the place. I've done a lot of butts over the last year trying all sorts of methods and simply put --- there is no right/wrong way. Jump in, try what you want to do, make notes, and go from there. Pork butt is very forgiving and you have to try in order to screw it up. There are 2 rules I think we can all agree with.

1) Make sure you cook it until it's done. Which isn't some magical number on a thermometer. Use the probe test. IE: If the probe (thermometer, skewer, etc) slides through the butt with next to zero resistance - it's done. Half the time I've found 190 degrees is done while others have gone to 210ish.

2) Let it rest before pulling/chopping. I've gone as little as 30 minutes and as long as 6+ hours.
Not injecting it with AJ or worchester anymore woke up late cause stayed up too late so going to inject it with melted buttered with the rub in it and rub them up and throw them on
All the advice here is great as always. I am by no means an expert but i like to use a rub and an injection of apple cider vinegar, raw apple juice, leftover rub and melted butter in mine. I cook at 250ish and let it go till it is done. The thermometer tells you when it is safe to eat, not when it is done :) When my thermometer goes in with pretty much no resistance it is done. For the ones i have done it is usually in the 195-205 range.

Good luck and keep trying because even though we all think of things we can do different to change the flavor profile, they are always good :)
I don't inject, I put my dry rub on it and put it to bed on the smoker. I don't foil during the cook either, I wrap in foil and put it in the cooler to hold until eating (can be hours latter) I usally try to cook around 250 and use plenty of wood. I like the bark you get from cooking the whole time without wrapping. I sometimes do more rub in it after pulling as a finishing spice. shoot for around 1.5 hours per lb. I also spray with apple juice everytime I lift the lid and cook until like 195 internal temp-but mainly I am looking for probe tenderness.
You know what I love ? I put the butts on around noon and the temperature hasn't moved 10 degrees the entire time got to love my weber!
As you can tell, opinions are all over the place... 1) Make sure you cook it until it's done. Which isn't some magical number on a thermometer. Use the probe test...

c'mon brother, you know 203*F is THE magic number!!! LOL (That's what I tell SWMBO so she doesn't ask me if it's done yet.) LOL
Colby... Yes, I love to inject the roasts. The last two I've done I've foiled around 165. It helps break the stall. Chris has an excellent point however, I think it does soften the bark. Cooking that large of a butt at 225 you will either have to get up mighty early or start it late, before bed and let it cook overnight. Pull it (I shoot for an internal of 195) and foil it (double wrap) and put it in a good cooler with towels. It will stay hot for 2-3 hours. Good luck.
I put it in a bit after noon, around 6 it was at 163 and I took them both out and foiled them last I checked about 10 minutes ago we were at 183 and family is still out at basketball game so hoping I have plenty of time can't wait
To try it out have bbq baked beans seasoned and filled with fresh bacon I made up and fried potatoes loaded with onions and seasoning

