John Solak TVWBB 1-Star Olympian May 28, 2014 #21 Very nice Bob, I guess you could use it still if you really wanted to couldn't ya?
Rich Dahl R.I.P. 7/21/2024 May 29, 2014 #23 Great story glad you bumped it, missed it on the first go around. With your grill skills you could walk someone through a load of bricks on a grill and they would come out great!
Great story glad you bumped it, missed it on the first go around. With your grill skills you could walk someone through a load of bricks on a grill and they would come out great!
ChuckO TVWBB 1-Star Olympian May 29, 2014 #24 My dream in life is to have a Corvette and a Ranch Kettle