My newest food picture taker


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Well, not just food, but other stuff too.
I upgraded my DSLR to the newest Pentax offering.
It's weather resistant like my older model, but now I have a WR 18-135mm lens to go with it. (not the lens in this pic of course)
So now I can get my grill shots even in the rain or snow!! :)



Can't argue with new photo toys! Looks like no optical viewfinder, but I like the adjustable viewscreen. How is the visibility in sunlight? The sensor seems to capture colors very well, and the DOF is nice, too. Hope you enjoy, now go shoot some birds!
Thanks Chris!
It does have a 100% optical pentaprism viewfinder too, it's not a mirrorless.
With wifi tethering to an app on my phone I can control most functions remotely, so I'm hoping to get some great bird shots with it set up on a tripod.

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I see the 40 Limited hanging from the front. Have you ever used the 77 Limited, the one built in Japan, not Viet Nam? It is an amazing lens.
That looks like a nice camera Bob!
Thanks Chris!
It does have a 100% optical pentaprism viewfinder too, it's not a mirrorless.
With wifi tethering to an app on my phone I can control most functions remotely, so I'm hoping to get some great bird shots with it set up on a tripod.


Very cool about the wifi tethering! Would you use the 135mm for those bird shots, or a longer zoom?
That looks right up my alley - I'm not a buyer just yet but will be in the next couple of years. I really like the articulating screens like that
Thanks again all!

Chuck, I'll be selling in the near future once I round up the box and all accessories.

Chris, I'll use my 55/300 for the birds.

Clint, in a year or two you should be able to get a nice used one for a great price.
It would be perfect for an outdoorsy dude like yourself.
In one video review the guy smeared mud all over it, then washed it off in a stream, worked perfectly afterwards, but not recommended of course.
It is the smallest WR DSLR currently on the market.

Bob, I picked up the 40 ltd from Amazon Warehouse for $178 (normally over $400) but the 77 ltd at over $700 is too rich for my wallet, even though it's possibly the best glass Pentax has ever made, and in my book that's saying something.
Very nice Bob! Back in the day, film days that is all I had were Pentax 35 SLRs, great equipment.
Not sure how you can improve upon you photos Bob, but I know you'll have fun trying. My first good camera was a Pentax ME Super (film) I used that for years. Anyway, congratulations on your upgrade.
Funny, a lot of folks started out with Pentax film cameras, and I think many do not realize they're still cranking out great cameras.
My only other forum is Pentax Forums with 69,000 members.
I also promote Weber grills there. :)
Very nice toy. Great gift from you to you Bob;) (robtcorl?)


Perfect picture! Sorry for stealing bro:rolleyes:
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Thanks again folks!

Mildo, I'm puzzled. Did you find my jar pic where I posted it on Pentax Forums?
FYI, that was shot with my Rokinon 85mm f1.4 manual focus lens using focus peaking, which is a blessing for these old eyes.
Yes Bob, that wasn't a problem and I hope you don't mind it.:confused: Your pics are amazing!
Didn't want to bump this, but wanted to reply.
No problem, I'm flattered, and will consider myself good once I turn out photos half as good as yours brother Mildo.
check this one out:

Nikon Coolpix P900 with 83x optical zoom.
Clint, that Nikon P900 has an amazingly long zoom, but they had to use a very small
sensor to be able to do that. If you want to blow the pictures up much, the results will be less than stellar. If you want a long zoom in a small
package, the Canon G9X has a 600mm equivalent focal length lens with a 1" sensor and pretty good image stabilization in a nice to carry size.
Check to see photos from these cameras, or many others.

