My little project

So the older emblems were different with the kettle on the right side? I thought they were all the same until I started looking at the pictures.

It looks to me like the older ones had the kettle on the left. When they switched to kettle on the right they updated the font slightly and made the ‘B’ run into the outer edge. I used the newer style to try out my two color paint job. It was a pain for this non-artist. I touched it up after this picture but you can use it to compare to the left kettle version:



Of course, I could be totally wrong and it actually be the other way around.
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That is very observant. I have to admit that I used an extra badge that I had for that grill because it was in a lot better shape than the original.

It looks to me like the older ones had the kettle on the left. When they switched to kettle on the right they updated the font slightly and made the ‘B’ run into the outer edge. I used the newer style to try out my two color paint job. It was a pain for this non-artist. I touched it up after this picture but you can use it to compare to the left kettle version:



Of course, I could be totally wrong and it actually be the other way around.

I started looking through pictures of emblems and as near as I can tell they changed it up somewhere around 2000 to 2002. The older, pre 2000/2002 seem to have the kettle on the left. After that it appears they moved it to the right. I didn't even notice the b difference until you pointed it out.

At least that's what I've been able to figure out, come up with so far.
After looking at a pretty old grill on OfferUp and also a late Silver, I am now more convinced that the ones with the slightly larger kettle on the left are the original design. The newer ones, including the ones with "Silver", "Gold" or "Platinum" on the second line all have the kettle on the right in a little smaller size. They also have the updated font.
Looks like you are still in! Look forward to seeing what you do with that one:cool:

Our re-admission policy is very liberal. I think you may need to find a reason to make a trip to Chicagoland. As I mentioned, there are two or three Skylines listed there right now. Also a classic Genesis Platinum with the Summit frame. :o

Jon do you have the links handy to those Chicago Skylines for sale? Would like to get an understanding of value range. Are they potential rehab projects or cleaned up and retail (so to speak)? Would love to estimate what my restored 520 and 3200 Skylines are worth should I decide to sell in Spring...

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Both my 1998 genesis which I bought new has a left kettle and my deep box (year unknown) skyline has a left also. I wonder if they changed when the silvers came out.
Jon do you have the links handy to those Chicago Skylines for sale? Would like to get an understanding of value range. Are they potential rehab projects or cleaned up and retail (so to speak)? Would love to estimate what my restored 520 and 3200 Skylines are worth should I decide to sell in Spring...



Naturally, I can't find them now that I am back in Florida. I believe the 2 burner was $50 or $75. The 3-buner (very nice as I remember) was $150. They were in various locations outside Chicago.

There was also this fairly rare Genesis Platinum with the Summit frame:
The finished product delivered and presented to my sister. Unfortunately the rotisserie didn't arrive in time to be part of the display. It should be here on Monday. She was very excited and happy. :blackgenesis1000:

There was a little more I would have liked to get done but I just didn't have the time. Here it is.

Does this have 4 wheels? I'm not sure from the picture.

Also, do you have some specs on the cooking area and warming area?

Does the warming area also fold down?
Yes, it is a genesis 1000 and has 4 wheels. Two big regular wheels and the two standard caster wheels.
The cook area is the same for all Genesis three burner grills made from about the mid 80's to about 2000 which is approximately 400 sq inches. Total cooking area is officially listed at 610 sq inches, but that includes the warming racks. The warming rack as shown in the top photo with the grill brush sitting on it does not fold down. It sits in slots on the top edge of the cook box. There is another "hanging" warming rack for these grills that is not included in that photo. It fits in slots in the two end caps and hangs down. It swivels with the lid opening and closing so that it always hangs vertically. But, just FYI. These warming racks are chrome plated steel and are prone to corroding and rusting fairly quickly. You rarely see them on grills that are used regularly because they are usually in the way and the fact that they rust out and people just don't bother to replace them.
Yes. They were simply a special edition Genesis 1000 grill. They had the logo on the lid along with a condiment basket on the right side. Otherwise they were pretty much the same as any other Genesis 1000.
Not sure, but probably just a year or two and they were probably only sold in certain areas or by certain vendors.

