My first beef ribs and a lesson learned


Rick Body

I hadn't used the smoker much lately. Today I decided to do some PSB and some beef ribs. This was the first cook since the smoker took flight accidentally out of my truck on the highway. I wasn't sure how she would perform, but she was up for the task

I have never done beef ribs, thus the lesson part. I seasoned one slab with pepper, lawrys salt and garlic. The other small slab I used rib rub

I cooked them for 3 hours, then wrapped them for 1, then back on for another hour. They could have cooked a little less, but here they are

... and plated with some grilled squash and zucchini and some ciabatta bread.

and for the lesson part. I read a lot of posts on here about not using too much or any seasoning. I didn't listen and I should have. Both slabs were a little salty and had too much seasoning. I will know next time to listen to you people. They were still good and I will do these again.

Thanks for looking
great looking beef ribs!! I like my beef ribs a little on the salty side, but I don't like to use a sweet rub on them. I usually just use Montreal steak Seasoning on them.
Best way to learn is from mistakes. Especially mistakes you can eat. The look delicious and I bet they still tasted great.
I did the same thing beef has more natural flavor then pork so less seasoning is required at least that's what I think. They look good to me and bet they tasted great.
Why is it that you would use less rub on beef ribs when you normally cover pork ribs?

Good question. My thought is that in most pork rubs the big ingredient is brown sugar and the meat can take a lot of it to counteract the richness of the pork fat. Beef being a little more subtle flavor meat (and most beef rubs being mostly S&P.), if you go too heavy the salt really stands out. Just a thought
You cooked them perfectly Rick, I would love some of those. I think it is as said above with fat content and texture as far as seasoning is concerned.
I've never tried beef ribs, but I do know for tri tip, I've tried at least a dozen different rub combinations and MSS always comes out as everyone's favorite. And not even a ton of it. Just enough to add a little to the already good flavor. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the comments.

Not sure why it is that way with beef ribs but most people on here that I've read say not to season them to much. Next time I will use MSS or Weber's Steak and Chops. They weren't terrible, but my girlfriend found them too salty for her liking
I've cooked them several times now and they need a lot of LNS. A good rack that has not been trimmed too much is hard to find. I'm not a fan of foiling them. Like others, MSS is great, S&P all by itself works real well or with onion & garlic but my favorite now is Big Bad Beef Rub Bad Beef Rub I love this on beef ribs and brisket.

I think one of the most difficult things in learning to cook beef ribs is learning to leave them alone. They will get very dark.

Congrats on your first beef rib cook:)
Rick, I learned many years ago... it's only food and as long as no one got hurt, you'll kick doopa next time around.

my favourite seasoning for beef ribs now is simple kosher salt (not too much, just a pinch) and fresh ground pepper.
sounds boring but it's all it takes to bring out the real beef flavour.

I'll have beef ribs on the BBQ this weekend (I hope my butcher comes thru this time WILL;) )

EDIT: guess I was typing while Gary was entering his 2cents... i'm with ya Gary!
Great looking ribs Rick! I either use S&P or sometimes Montreal Steak Seasoning, but lately I have been using Tatonka Dust on mine.
Nothing sweet or too salty here either.

