My Favourite Cook


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
The Famous PORK STEAK.
Seasoned with Blues Hog Rub.

On the 26" OTG in direct for 30 minutes each side.
Grill set at about 325ºF (i'da liked it a bit lower butt i went nutZ with the Kingsford). Two Yukons joined in song.

This photo ? about halfway thru.

Then at the end, the steaks were kissed with Blues Hog Tennessee Red and Blues Hog Original Barbecue sauces.

A few more moments over heat then plated with the Yukons and sauteéd Patty Pans and Zucchini.

Yeah, that's barbecue sauce dribbled over the taters... then dusted with Penzey's Tuscan Sunset.

They were certainly tasty and I can't wait to cook'em again!
Thank you much for viewing, hope you're enjoying this fine weekend!
Terrific looking pork steaks there Jim! I too can understand your love for them. One of my favorites for sure. Certainly one of the best cuts you can get for the money IMO.
Loooks great Jim! I made a tub version of p-steaks yesterday(after seing you do it along time ago) do you think they turn out better this way?
I think those just might be your best looking pork steaks to date. Hope the weather has cooled off for you.
Those look outstanding. I can't remember the last time I cooked pork steaks, may have to get some of those real soon.
I just knew it would be pork steaks, again!

Beautiful everything Jimmy!

When are we gonna meet up and have a pork steak throwdown?
not that I think I could win it, by any means.
we can invite DW and his pork neck steaks too

