My Elevated Lighting Method


B.A. Poole

When I cook; I'm relaxing. When I fire up a WSM for a slow cook, I use the Minion method, but counting briquettes and using a charcoal chimney in proper orientation is not for me. The bottom of the chimney holds just the right amount.

I found a old porcelain cooker pan in the trash. I had a rusty WSJ charcoal grate that fit down inside. I can use this setup to light a chimney on. It catches charcoal dust, ash, sparks, etc. but when I use the bottom of the chimney to start my Minion starter briquettes unfortunately the fire starters are too far away. I got the fire starters closer to the charcoal by elevating them on empty can of adequate height. Hopefully the elevated method will be a benefit to you.
I don't invert my Weber standard chimney but I do always invert my compact chimney for minion method heat. Never thought about removing the grate.
Weber sells a compact charcoal chimney; P/N 7447. A body may have to go online to get one as retailers don't usually carry it.
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Sure, it’s really simple, lay a full ring as full as possible, take a propane torch and touch off the side nearest where you will position the door.
The fire will crawl across the ring pretty evenly(in my experience) and its about as easy as it can be. I have adapted a few things from the original Enrico Brandizzi approach by adding the Harry soo technique of smoke medium on the bottom topping the wood with Kingsford competition (great deal at Costco) and touching off the fire right through the door maybe three minutes with the torch then, close it up and go to bed.
I did the last brisket for John Wayne’s birthday party that way and had excellent results!

