My best chicken ever. Maybe.


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Smoked some yardbird today hot & fast on the WSM. My wife says, "Maybe your best chicken ever!" I say, "Why do you say 'maybe'?" She says, "I've watched Guy Fieri on Triple D and he never says anything is the absolute best. He says it's 'among the best' or 'the best I've tasted here on Triple D'."

So I guess she's hoping there's room for improvement. Still...I'll take her compliments any day and twice on Sundays!

Hope you enjoyed some great barbecue or grilled food this weekend! Hope it was "among your best ever"!!




I'd be hard-pressed to argue with Mrs. Allingham on this one. The photos speak for themselves. Beautiful color on those birds.
Wow Chris, that is some fantastic color on that chicken. I think it's, almost, the best I've ever seen! Seriously, great job.
Chris i bet you did not use the water pan at all to get these results, great looking chicken. I personally never use the water pan.
Looks like you left it meat down for the smoke? You should update the Cooking Topics with this. Looks very good and crisp skin!

