Most unusual WSM movable platform


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I've seen a lot in my 25+ years of using and writing about the WSM, but I'd never seen this until today. People do the darnedest things! Photo by Randy Schuch.

And I thought putting one on a hand truck was a little much!
Thats Jethro Bodine engineering at its best!
I have one on a handtruck made by my old cooking partner and former forum member, John Mason. The middle section lifts up via a lever on the handtruck and then then lower section pivots away from the body to refresh or add charcoal or wood. I don’t know how many he sold. I have number 1.
Everyone should have a hot tub in front of the garage door.. not.
Not necessarily saying this is the case here, but for a house such as the one in the picture there are numerous advantages to adding a second garage door to the back of the garage that accesses the back yard. For example, by removing your car and opening the back door, you can have instant party space for your next big BBQ. Also makes it easy to drive though to the back yard, repair trucks, do yard work, ventilate the garage, etc. And the cost of the second door is party offset by not needing windows or a regular door out of the garage.
Not necessarily saying this is the case here, but for a house such as the one in the picture there are numerous advantages to adding a second garage door to the back of the garage that accesses the back yard. For example, by removing your car and opening the back door, you can have instant party space for your next big BBQ. Also makes it easy to drive though to the back yard, repair trucks, do yard work, ventilate the garage, etc. And the cost of the second door is party offset by not needing windows or a regular door out of the garage.

I seen a lot of houses that look like they have a garage, but it's basically the garage door on a carport. The carport is open to the backyard , and a lot of back porch space on the back side. One side is attached to the house and the other side is a storage room and outside bathroom. Like you say, good place to have party. If you got a fence backyard it' appears to be secure even if it's open on the back. I had a buddy who put his boat in his and the back end of it was hanging out into his backyard with the door closed., Because it was longer than the carport area.
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