More Sausage


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
This time, I smoked it up on my 26", so it's got a Weber involved! ;)

I got my hands on another pork butt, so decided I'd work my way through some more of my sausage casings. I liked the look of the Kielbasa Slaska recipe on Len Poli's sausage site (and, I actually had all the spices on hand), so I decided to do that. I used all pork butt instead of the butt/lean/bacon mix that is called for in the recipe. Ground it twice (large plate then fine plate), mixed all the spices in until REALLY sticky. After an overnight rest, I stuffed them up, dried them for a bit, then onto the 26" with a hybrid stack (about 8-10 coals in a single stack at the head fo the snake, then into a double) with hickory. The grill temp cruised up from 100F to 150F over a few hours, and then I poached them for about 10 minutes in 165F water to finish at 155F. Shocked in an ice bath, dried and packaged. Not sure how I managed to not eat one, but the test fry, and the patties from the mix left in the stuffer were YUMMY! Pics.....only a couple this time:


Look great Rich. Kudos to you too for using up those casings. I hate to admit how many partial bags of hog casings I've tossed after opening. Thanks for the recipe also. Kielbasa is just about my favorite sausage.
Very nice! Can't believe you didn't grill at least one up immediately though.
Ok, ok, Jim, I cooked one up for my breakfast! ;) Really tasty (and, can I just say that the Blackstone 22" is an awesome breakfast machine?!? Gearing up for brunch for my lazy teenagers.....)


