Made up a 3 lb loaf after work today. Cooked it over Hump Lump. I lit a full chimney and dumped that on to half a ring full of Hump. Just the foiled lined empty water pan as usual. WSM got up to about 310º-315º lid temp and stopped. All vents wide open, I keep tellin' ya all it runs cold.
Also put on 2 onions and cut them like a bloomin' onion this time, verses coring them out. Also remembered to put a bay leaf in each pouch as well. The meatloaf was made for sammies to take in my lunch. The garage is smelling pretty darn good, as the loaf cools down some before putting it in the fridge.
Making some Bacon, Bella, Cheese burgers as well, that's why I sliced the o"s they way I did. So they would fit better on the burgers. The burgers were supposed to be for dinner tonight, but I have no appetite.
Oh well, I'll take em in my lunch for work tomorrow.
Link to phot's of Loaf and O's
EDIT: Incase anybody was wondering about that white flap on the one end, in the first pic. That's an old Shawn W trick for meatloaf. Place the loaf on parchment and take a sharp knife and trim around the loaf, as tight as you can. Not sure if he leaves the end on, but it sure made removal quite easy. Just grabbed it and pulled the loaf onto a un-rimmed flat cookie sheet, that had several layers of some uncoated paper I bring home from work on it to soak up the juice/grease. Total cook time from when it went on the top grate, right after dumping the lit and assembling the WSM, was 1 hr 45 min.

Making some Bacon, Bella, Cheese burgers as well, that's why I sliced the o"s they way I did. So they would fit better on the burgers. The burgers were supposed to be for dinner tonight, but I have no appetite.

Link to phot's of Loaf and O's
EDIT: Incase anybody was wondering about that white flap on the one end, in the first pic. That's an old Shawn W trick for meatloaf. Place the loaf on parchment and take a sharp knife and trim around the loaf, as tight as you can. Not sure if he leaves the end on, but it sure made removal quite easy. Just grabbed it and pulled the loaf onto a un-rimmed flat cookie sheet, that had several layers of some uncoated paper I bring home from work on it to soak up the juice/grease. Total cook time from when it went on the top grate, right after dumping the lit and assembling the WSM, was 1 hr 45 min.