Meat and Potatoes Night


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Picked up three beautiful Ribeyes at Costco last week. Made some twice baked potatoes and some grilled green beans to go along with the cook. Lastly I made some flaky biscuits as we were out of bread.


I'd put the potatoes on a half hour earlier.


The biscuits.


Finally the beans.


Biscuits done.


Lastly, got the steaks going.


Pulled the potatoes.




Plated it up. Crummy photo. Sorry.


The steaks, potatoes and biscuits were terrific. Should have stopped there. It was plenty of food. The beans were a bust for both of us. Thats what I get for not getting fresh out of the bulk. Hope you all have a great weekend. Labor Day is just around the corner. Thank you for looking.
That's a great cook! Killer steaks and taters. Very jealous of your buicuits. Super documentation, as usual.

Care to share your buscuit recipe? Really need to learn to cook them.
Thanks Robert and Timothy!

Care to share your buscuit recipe?

Here's the recipe I used. Super easy and you can whip them out in minutes. It's important that you do not knead the dough. Just lightly press the dough together as instructed in recipe. The first couple of times you do it it will look like the whole things going to fall apart. It won't and you'll be rewarded with super flaky biscuits. I forgot to brush this last batch with the butter and sprinkle with salt. That's the icing on the cake! They were still terrific without it and can be done either way depending on your taste and diet. Good luck!
Cliff, I've said for years that if you're working at making biscuits, you're doing it wrong. Years ago, I split an apartment out of college with someone (matter of fact, he's now using my guest room while he's on a contract locally!) and I made scratch biscuits one night. He was sure I was going to make hockey pucks, I almost had to put a plate on them to keep them on the table.

Anyway, I may have to try your method in the grill, I'm going to have to give that recipe some thought.
I might just have to make a batch of biscuits for breakfast! Oops, don’t have any Greek yogurt, maybe one morning this week though.
Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Hey, next time you steam beans, do extra, leave them in the residual butter in the bowl and when you grill them, just toss them with some “Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel” seasoning. Just to heat them through. I had fallen in love with that stuff for that use if nothing else, I will keep it on hand! Quick and easy!
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Great as always Cliff. Thanks for the biscuit recipe, I'll show it to Barb she's the biscuit maker here.

Getting any rain yet, we're drowning here. Flash floods everywhere.
Thanks Robert and Timothy!

Here's the recipe I used. Super easy and you can whip them out in minutes. It's important that you do not knead the dough. Just lightly press the dough together as instructed in recipe. The first couple of times you do it it will look like the whole things going to fall apart. It won't and you'll be rewarded with super flaky biscuits. I forgot to brush this last batch with the butter and sprinkle with salt. That's the icing on the cake! They were still terrific without it and can be done either way depending on your taste and diet. Good luck!

Thanks, Cliff. Much appreciated. Hopefully that will get my biscuit game on. It has sucked for a while.
Thanks for the comments guys. Nice hearing from you Russ!

Getting any rain yet, we're drowning here.

No Rich, not a drop. Just heavy smoke, every day. If our weather follows the recent pattern this year, we probably won't see any until mid October. We'll see.
Cliff, you've got to give us more time to get to your place when you are doing a cook like that.:) That was awesome and thanks for the biscuit recipe will be doing them real soon.

