Maverick et-73 mod

I've been reading these posts about (missing) antenna lengths. How many of you are ham radio operators?

Griff KL7BG
Originally posted by Phil S:
I just got off the phone with Darren. I think he's a little nervous getting a ton of phone calls and returned units.

I don't know of an upgraded unit (like an et-74?) but if one was available maybe instead of sending back my et-73 a good deal on an upgraded unit might be something Darren could consider.

My unit has poor range but I doubt I'll send it back because it works for me. My set up is such that I have line of sight and only need about 10ft range.
Shawn - I'm interested in how you made the connection inside the unit. I saw you mention a nipple in your original post, but I'm not sure what excatly that looks like (I know, I know...there are a thousand jokes that you all could throw back at me for that one). I really like the looks of the set-up from the outside. Any chance of a picture of the inside?
Originally posted by Darren Clark:
Shawn - I'm interested in how you made the connection inside the unit. I saw you mention a nipple in your original post, but I'm not sure what excatly that looks like (I know, I know...there are a thousand jokes that you all could throw back at me for that one). I really like the looks of the set-up from the outside. Any chance of a picture of the inside?
Well, that would be slim to none, but I'm sorry you can't imagine a nipple
. I tried to find a better word than 'nipple' but could not.

About 1/16th from the connection end I worked my way round and round with the flat spot in a small pair of pliers gently squeezing to make a connector that fit in the antenna receiver hole snugly.

Since my antenna comes out of the back case but connects in a circuit board attached to the front, I am reluctant to take it apart unless I have to.
I really admire the ingenuity of you guys for figuring this out and developing a solution. And a response from Maverick, too.

Very cool,

Please look at the attached link originally posted further up in this e-mail thread. Do I understand you right that you took a piece of wire larger than the hole that the red arrow is pointing too in that picture and made a nipple on the end to stick firmly in that hole? And then you bent the wire around and out the back of the unit?
Jerry, that's the impression I got. Sharpened the end of a larger wire, stuck it in the hole, bent it 90° to the pictures right and 90° up just before the screw. I gather that pressure from the rear cover is helping hold the wire in place since he didn't solder it.
I purchased a ET-73 a couple of weeks ago. The range was 25' tops. Far short of the claimed distance.

I've made arrangements with The Gadget Source to return the unit for a full refund. This thing cost too much to have to jury rig it to make it usable. IMHO.
yeah that's it Bill ... the wire is firmly in the case (hole I drilled for it is smaller than the wire) and like you said the wire end is firmly in the antenna hole with the back case applying some downwards pressure on the wire

Originally posted by Shawn W: To assemble I bent the wire at 90º close to the nipple and ran the wire parallel to the top. Then bent the wire at 90º again to run the wire out the top (when facing the receiver front the antenna comes out of the case on the left, just to the right of the case screw molding).

Drilled a hole in the top just slightly smaller than the wire in casing and ran the wire out through the hole in the top

to do it better I'd try to find a way to run it through the front half of the case instead of the back ... easier to take apart again if necessary
Just got off the phone with Maverick after explaining the problem of the missing antenna. They asked that I send them the unit for Darren to look at. I've probably spent twice the cost of the unit shipping receivers back to them. I'll fix what I have, but am done with this company. I don't feel that the consumer should experience any out-of-pocket expenses for a company's mistake(s). Time to start looking at the alternatives!
I was thinking of switching to Nu-Temp but they don't have a low-alarm for the smoker ... Their unit also seems more complicated ... ( I guess I should get one before assuming)...
I think they should send a second reciever at no charge. I have two and it's great being able to have the temps in two different locations.

Before I saw this post I saw the post for the Nu-Tek setup and thought that would be great to replace my Maverick. I had okay reception maybe 20 feet through a window. So I took advantage of the new offer.

Then I saw this post and just had to see if mine had an antenna. Low and behold no antenna. So with a Nu-Tek on the way I had nothing to lose, so I run to CostCo to buy a Coleman Cold-Heat soldering iron (just because I like new toys) and tried to attach an antenna. Suffice it to say I should have tried it out on something less delicate. I did manage to attach an antenna and the reception works from one end of the house to the other, through probably four walls. So this upgrade is definetly worth doing if your Maverick is no longer under warranty or just because you like to fix things. The total cost was $0.29 for the wire from Home Depot. I returned the Cold Heat soldering iron, but that was because I didn't like it not because I was finished using it.
The limit on the warranty should not be an issue here. I think the focus should be on customer service. So far , Maverick has been very acomodating.I would give them a call.
Has anyone taken the *transmitter* apart to see what its antenna configuration is? I had the missing antenna on the receiver, but even with an added antenna, the range is pretty dismal through 1 wall. Mine is in use right now, or I would pop it open.

I popped mine open a couple of days ago but didn't see anything that "looked" like an antenna. Do you suppose they forgot those too?
I am glad we are figuring out the Maverick problems. Think I will put the Mavericks back in service and box up the Nu-Temps for storage.

Unfortunately, one of my Nu-Temp probes failed and the Nu-Temp people won't return my calls or emails. I mailed it back to them with a letter explaining the problem and included my tel # and email address. Been two weeks now. Haven't received a replacement nor any communication from them at all.

Anyway, I don't want to get a Nu-temp discussion going here. I'm just very upset with them right now. But, I am happy that my first choice Maverick's are back in business and doing a fine job of watching my cook today.

Thanks to all who spent the time to not only figure out the problem, but to inform and help out the rest of us.
I received my Maverick earlier this week and am using for the first time today to do a pork butt. My WSM is on the patio in my backyard. My remote receiver picks up the signal anywhere in the house, including the basement and upstairs. I can even get a signal across the street.

Guess I got lucky.


