I've been grilling most of my life, and a few years back picked up a (cheep) electric smoker. I used it a lot, with good results, but the last time I used it I almost burnt my hand unplugging the cord. The heating element had melted the cord just outside the housing. I told the wife it was time for an upgrade, but I just couldn't push myself to open my wallet. It's been a few months since this happened, and I have to admit I have done some great things on my Weber Performer. I used it almost every weekend, but it just isn't the same.
Well I guess your fiftieth birthday is your barbecuing birthday, because I was given my dream gift. I came home from work, and in my spot in the garage was a box with a 18" Weber Bullet! I'm not kidding when I say I almost had to wipe a tear from my eye. I've been admiring these for years.
I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but when I do I'll post it here.
Well I guess your fiftieth birthday is your barbecuing birthday, because I was given my dream gift. I came home from work, and in my spot in the garage was a box with a 18" Weber Bullet! I'm not kidding when I say I almost had to wipe a tear from my eye. I've been admiring these for years.
I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but when I do I'll post it here.