~Mark~ from Ohio



I've been grilling most of my life, and a few years back picked up a (cheep) electric smoker. I used it a lot, with good results, but the last time I used it I almost burnt my hand unplugging the cord. The heating element had melted the cord just outside the housing. I told the wife it was time for an upgrade, but I just couldn't push myself to open my wallet. It's been a few months since this happened, and I have to admit I have done some great things on my Weber Performer. I used it almost every weekend, but it just isn't the same.

Well I guess your fiftieth birthday is your barbecuing birthday, because I was given my dream gift. I came home from work, and in my spot in the garage was a box with a 18" Weber Bullet! I'm not kidding when I say I almost had to wipe a tear from my eye. I've been admiring these for years.
I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but when I do I'll post it here.
Thanks for the kind words.
My wife is the best.
I'll have some pictures to share after this weekend.
Welcome from a fellow Ohio resident! You have been given one of the best smokers in the universe in spite of the relatively low cost. That's a fact, not a brag.

There will be a short learning curve, but you'll be up to speed in no time. Further, you won't believe the flavors that lie in wait in the "Bullet"!

Just finished putting it together! This is much MUCH better than what I was using before!!!

I like the rubber thermometer opening on the side, and my door fits nice and tight.
Now I just need a day to do something incredible.:wsm:

