Make sure to secure your cover when it's nasty out.


Bob Erdman

TVWBB All-Star
Big rain storm last night blew the cover off my SmokeFire. Thanks to the velcro strap that wraps around the bottom leg I didn't lose the cover. But that's not the worst of it. Without the cover water got into the cook chamber, probable through the exhaust vents. A slurry of wet ash is now in and around the pull out tray. Insert nasty language here!

Going to be fun trying to clean that out.
I felt funny getting covers on grills this year, I think they were covered by Thanksgiving! The Overperformer will remain uncovered this year for easy use, installing that takes a while, setting up the gallery and then covering it every time I wanted to use the kettle three times a week gets a little bothersome.
Yeah, I had the cover blow off the Silver C and head to the neighbor's yard last year. For this storm (today), I tightened the velcro more and the grill was facing prevailing wind with one end instead of the wide side. Grill didn't move but the patio furniture blew off the deck. I kept an eye on the grill in case, ready to strap it to the railing again if needed. Don't wanna lose the ole Genny.
Yeah, I had the cover blow off the Silver C and head to the neighbor's yard last year. For this storm (today), I tightened the velcro more and the grill was facing prevailing wind with one end instead of the wide side. Grill didn't move but the patio furniture blew off the deck. I kept an eye on the grill in case, ready to strap it to the railing again if needed. Don't wanna lose the ole Genny.
Johnm thats one of many reasons I Moved out here from E Mass. What part you in?
Covers can be a blessing or a curse. My WSM grew mold under the cover and my son's ReccTed 300 did the same and corroded the motherboard. He had to replace that. I don't think that will happen to the Smokefire because the boards are waterproofed.
Covers can be a blessing or a curse. My WSM grew mold under the cover and my son's ReccTed 300 did the same and corroded the motherboard. He had to replace that. I don't think that will happen to the Smokefire because the boards are waterproofed.
Interesting I have never had any type of mold on any of my grills which are covered maybe its the cover you chose really don't know the Silver C, the Performer and my UDS are all covered.
Yeah, mold has never been an issue for me either. However in the summer (except for the Wolf and Big Z) I don't bother with covers. But in any case even on the 2 grills I cover religiously summer and winter never had mold
IMO, your cover needs to have really good ventilation.

First, to vent out moisture.

Second, so that your grill doesn't lift off during a microburst and crash land in the middle of your yard. Or a neighbors yard. Ask me how I know this...
Johnm thats one of many reasons I Moved out here from E Mass. What part you in?
I'm in Milford, a little suburb SW of Boston. Been here all my life - too dumb to figure out I should move, I guess. I have zero use for winter - absolutely hate it. I did toy with moving to AZ back in the early 90's (Benson was my pick) but never made it happen.

I did actually strap the Silver C to the railing during one bad storm we had. The storm before that is when the cover blew off. Guess I was lucky with that - if the cover held it might have caused the grill to go off the deck. Some years ago my 22 inch Kettle blew over. The lid went flying and sadly got a couple scuffs in the process. The base just tipped over and landed in the grass.


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IMO, your cover needs to have really good ventilation.

First, to vent out moisture.

Second, so that your grill doesn't lift off during a microburst and crash land in the middle of your yard. Or a neighbors yard. Ask me how I know this...
How do you define ventilation? My definition is that the skirt as I will call it from top to bottom is equal to about on a Silver C for example half way on the large wheels no lower this allows ventilation underneath. I use a King Kong cover for the silver C as its the same exact dimensions as the Weber Cover. Its a rubberized cover like the original Weber cover years ago so no rain hits the grill. I don't really understand the love for the original Weber Cover which was also rubberized but turned into a brittle mess after a certain amount of years I know cause I had one. I also never got the ventilation strip half way across the lid as if you have pouring rain it has to seep into the grill and they gave up that design a long time ago. I also had their new fabric cover which I gave to my daughter when I gave her the 1000. It went from black to a washed out grey in a little over a year was kind of pissed. The Kong cover is still black after 3 years the red log fades but thats about it.

The problem with alot of these generic covers are the are to long from top to bottom and I have had one years ago and had my neighbor who still has a sewing machine take it up so it was again no lower then half the wheel. That generic cover had the vents on each side but it also had a flap covering them so my quess is they really did not allow much airflow anyway.
I'm in Milford, a little suburb SW of Boston. Been here all my life - too dumb to figure out I should move, I guess. I have zero use for winter - absolutely hate it. I did toy with moving to AZ back in the early 90's (Benson was my pick) but never made it happen.

I did actually strap the Silver C to the railing during one bad storm we had. The storm before that is when the cover blew off. Guess I was lucky with that - if the cover held it might have caused the grill to go off the deck. Some years ago my 22 inch Kettle blew over. The lid went flying and sadly got a couple scuffs in the process. The base just tipped over and landed in the grass.
Spent 31 years in Holliston
Well, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. When the cover blew off it opened the slide out ash drawer a couple of inches. Inside the cook chamber looked dry. Vacuumed out the drawer and wiped it clean with paper towels and Simple green. Since I had all the cleaning equipment and supplies out I cleaned the outside too. Not a fun task in 40 degree weather. That's it for the outside until spring time. At least now I can put on my insulated cover on a clean grill.


