Made a Horseshoe Sammie & Made Electricity By Burning Wood Only


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Did both on a Biolite stove.
I'm not a gadget nut, or a Prepper, but this little stove captivated me, until I saw the $130 price tag.
Found a new one on eBay for $90 w/shipping, and a quick search showed used ones were selling for that, so I jumped on it.
They make a grill for it ($60) that I'm not buying.

The horseshoe sandwich is popular in Springfield, IL and surrounding area.
Bottom to top: toast, meat, fries, and topped with cheese sauce.

Last night's setup:


I put foil on the battery/fan top in case of stray embers.
Had to wait for the flames to die down.


Should have used a larger skillet, had to be careful to not create a grease fire.


Burger next.
Weird perspective, looks like a tiny skillet.


Tested out my USB LED laptop lights.

Then my phone.
I was ready to eat, so I didn't let it charge long.
It is more of a trickle charge, and the fire needs to stay hot since the blower takes priority over handing out the extra juice.
Time to dine.

Dessert, I only had the mini marshmallows.

Nothing but a few ashes were left.

The food was good, and the fun I had was worth at least a third of what the stove cost.
It was easy, compared to cooking over a campfire, but has it's challenges.
Most buyers of the stove will only heat water for freeze dried meals, coffee, etc.
But I like playing with food and fire.

Thanks for stopping by!
That is pretty cool, charging your phone off a flame, that would be very handy in deer camp. Nice cook too, but that's expected outta you Bob
Wow, how cool is that!

Sure would love to be fillin' my belly with a plate of this deliciousness right about now.:)


Spectacular cook and pics, Bob!

Thanks for sharing.
Interesting stuff my friend, I am always looking at cooking stuff for my woods roaming. Any idea how long the battery life would be on that thing?

Oh yea, nice meal bud
So, is that named for the Horseshoe grill in Collinsville? Love that place...they used to let you grill your own steak. Standing around the pit with others and the house cooks was a great treat in itself...never mind that their case was always filled with really nice beef.


Darn good looking grub...great job on the fries.
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i gotta see this on my big screen to believe it(on phone now)
Bob, you know I saw the HS Sandwich earlier, but hells bells dude
I gotta read closer I guess
dinner looks GREAT !!

what does RETIREMENT do to some folks???? I wanna find out more
Cool post. Just what I need... Another gadget I don't need, will hardly use, but really cool and have to have one now! Lol
I have seen that charger before...Really cool. And whatta meal! The potatoes looks unreal, and added to that bun.....OverTheTop! Great one B0B!

