Looking for shipping advice for a large heavy object, box, shipper, etc

Thanks for the advice everyone!
I think we have a plan, one that Chris came up with using a FedEx 24" cube box and some creative packing by me.
Hopefully on its way the first of next week.
Thanks for all the creative shipping ideas, everyone, and especially thanks to Bob for taking on this project for me. :wsm:
I'd have offered advice but just the week earlier I was charged ~$480 for a pallet via freight from TX.........almost triple what I've been charged before. Vendor is offering discounts on my next order.

Glad you guys got it figured out - there are definitely right & wrong ways to do this.
I got a call from FedEx this morning telling me they had no info on the box and that the shipper (Bob) should file a claim. Thanks a lot, FedEx! So Bob called the office, and sure enough the box is still sitting in the backroom of the FedEx office. They neglected to put the label on the box and then had no idea who to contact. Priceless. Well, the good news is we know where the box is and hopefully it will hit the road to CA today.
Seems to me, with this big thing taking up their space, they could have checked transactions and found a match.
But then again, I'm just an old retired land surveyor, not a tech savvy millennial. :rolleyes:
No offense to our millennial members. :)
Glad to hear all is well with the box. When I was working I traveled a lot on business. Talk about losing things, I always said when I retire I want to go to all the places my luggage has been. Me to New York my bags to London, me to Chicago my bags to Miami, me to Texas my bags to Alaska. Yep always an adventure.
I got a call from FedEx this morning telling me they had no info on the box and that the shipper (Bob) should file a claim. Thanks a lot, FedEx! So Bob went down to the office, and sure enough the box is still sitting in the backroom of the FedEx office. They neglected to put the label on the box and then had no idea who to contact. Priceless. Well, the good news is we know where the box is and hopefully it will hit the road to CA today.

That's great news. A claim is great and all, but the contents of this box are not something that some people could put a price on.
Glad to hear all is well with the box. When I was working I traveled a lot on business. Talk about losing things, I always said when I retire I want to go to all the places my luggage has been. Me to New York my bags to London, me to Chicago my bags to Miami, me to Texas my bags to Alaska. Yep always an adventure.

Sounds like your bags got to go to much better places than you. :p
Seems to me that Bob should receive a big, fat refund. Sat there unattended for well over a week is just not acceptable. If they were a good outfit they would certainly "comp" the shipping cost.
Seems to me that Bob should receive a big, fat refund. Sat there unattended for well over a week is just not acceptable. If they were a good outfit they would certainly "comp" the shipping cost.
Reimbursed to Chris, he's already repaid me for shipping.
He's a quick payer. :)
Is it possible to use GPS to track luggage and packages now-a-days?

Yes, if they used RFID tags they could physically track the location of the package through every nook and cranny of the FedEx system. Unless you forget to put the label on the box in the first place! :confused:
New tracking shows it has finally left St Louis.
We can trust that, right?
They should make the guy who forgot to attach the label drive it to Chris' front door.

