Look what I'm picking up tomorrow!!


J Kloeker

Emailed as soon as I saw the ad, and should be picking it up right after work tomorrow!! Now I just need to figure what to have as my first cook................

You picked up a rotisserie for $20??? You dog, that is a heck of a steal, CONGRATS!!! Whatever you decide to cook share the pics!
They said they would hold it for me so pretty excited! Prime rib is definately going on soon, but for the first practice run I think I'm going chicken!!
Emailed as soon as I saw the ad, and should be picking it up right after work tomorrow!! Now I just need to figure what to have as my first cook................
So Jay where did you find this at. I never saw it posted? I would loove one of these to hand on my performer. And chicken would be a great first cook or pork loin.


Jay where in the heck did you pick this up. I would love to have that set up fo f2f
Wow I was up that way yesterday If i had know I would have picked it up for you and and then I could have tested it today to make sure you got a square deal you know....

Good eye this is one of my have to have items.
It is in my possesion!!! Put it on and burned a hot fire to clean it yesterday, should have something smoking and spinning on it by end of week!!

Good to hear! Far too often people post up a deal they've struck only to have it swiped out from under them by a higher $$$ offer.
Good to hear! Far too often people post up a deal they've struck only to have it swiped out from under them by a higher $$$ offer.

Trust me, that was my biggest fear!!! Just got home from Kroger, so hoping to throw a yard bird on it and she what she can do!!

