Look what I found...


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
I went foraging. In the freezer, I found an Albacore tuna loin

At the park the day before: Nettles

First turn

an' heading home

plated with the steamed Nettles and a rice blend

To those of you who have access to, and haven't tried Nettles, I would encourage it. They taste delicious, (not to get all loopy doodle) earthy and green and fresh. They had a little dab of butter, lemon juice and S&P. The sting gets cooked out, the "stingers" don't, so each bite is a leap of faith.

I almost forgot: faith re-enforcement

Thanks for lookin'.
that is a beautiful hunka fish Brian!


did you use any wood for smoke or no? AWESOME!
Jim, I didn't. You've given me an idea though. I was going to say that I've be gassin' and the tuna cooks so quick that I don't think my chips would get to smokin'... but, if I put my chips on first: bingo. Thanks.

John, they are stinging - I almost took a picture of my arm, but I thought no one wants to see that.
Terrific cook Brian!

I'll say nope to the nettles though.
Too many run-ins with stinging nettle in my past as a Land Surveyor, hunter, and fisherman.

Something you might already know, but jewelweed sap/juice soothes the burn/itch very quickly, and it usually can be found growing near a nettle patch.

You went with Asian flavors, Brian? I see the sesame seeds and suspect the dark liquid is at least partly soy sauce...great combination!

