LinkMeter v8 Release

That setpoint thing has been fixed if you pull the latest AVR firmware "from online repository". Not sure if you've updated yet.
OK I got the linkmeter updated
opkg install -force-reinstall

Could see all the new good stuff. I then updated the heatermeter.hex and get solid squares cross the top of the display. Thinking I flashed the wrong hex file I flashed heatermeter.hexA and got garbled text this time, but text. I do not have the level shifter on this box, the good ole fashion diode.

I flashed by backup copy hex file and the heatermeter works fine stand alone.

Ideas on why the new hex file doesn't work?


P.S. - not an emergency, I was thinking of setting this one up for my servo.
I'll have to try it locally. It is probably the LED code messing with the display initialization, but I'll have to flash my WRT54GL to do some testing later.
Bryan, I thought I saw you post an alternate to the edimax wifi a few days ago but could not find it with a search. Can you repost that info? TIA

only wanted to say that I updated my HM to V8 and everything is working great with the HYNIX chip without replacing any bootloader files.

Great work, Bryan!!
Yeah I debated including that, mostly as a static one minute refresh time and wondered if low-end browsers would support meta-refresh and if people who used such a browser would be concerned with the data usage. Adding a setting would start to venture into having a separate set of settings which are web ui settings as opposed to heatermeter settings. Off the top of my head that would include stuff like email user from/to and sms phone number / carrier as well as autobackup time, preferred graph scale, etc. That would involve a lot of smaller changes so I just left it the way it is until I could get some feedback.
I'm really happy to just get the temps when I load the page, I just need a snap shot of what is going on. The more you put into the page the less it becomes "light". As is you can refresh the browser and get an update, works for me... If anything was added the ability to set the pit temp would be nice, in case your food is getting done and you can't get back to it right away you could lower the pit temp remotely...
Bryan, as always thank you so much for all your work on this. Just wanted to let you know of some abnormalities with my upgrade from 7 to 8.

First of all is dnsmasq running now? I do not recall if it was running on v7 but I think this may have messed up my setup because I rely on obtaining an IP from my wifi network and I could not do this it seems with v8 right off the bat. I had to turn dnsmasq off.

Also; a bit of weirdness connecting to my wifi network. I have an Apple Basestation with an Apple Airport Express which extends its range. In v7 I could only connect to the basestation, or the extender they were not a unified network. This is fine, I connected to the one closest to my BBQ; but with v8 it keeps trying to connect to the BSSID of the basestation even if I tell it to connect to the extender. I have to connect to the basestation it seems or I cannot get a dhcp address from my network.

I hope that made sense!

dnsmasq wasn't included on v7, but now it is but should have been disabled by default. Unfortunately it does not appear to be properly disabled so it is something I am looking at for v9.

The wifi weirdness is probably because the wireless config is set to associate only with the BSSID of the base station. I'm not sure why this is the default in LuCI, but when you "Join Network" it actually configures it to only join the BSSID that you associate with the first time. If you go into the wireless config you can just blank out the BSSID field and it should allow you to associate with either BSSID on your network. Is that what you're seeing?
Hey All,

Long time! Sorry! Been happy with my HeaterMeter and have used it a lot. In fact it is running right now. Anyways, I see new versions are out. I found my current version which is:

"HeaterMeter Information
Version 20121113B"

What version does that correlate to?
-- Back up your settings from the System -> Backup page.
-- Pop the SD card out and flash the new firmware image.
-- Boot up and restore your configuration.
-- Update AVR firmware "from bundled"

