LinkMeter v8 Release

So potentially I can run servo mode on my v3.2 HM?


I spent some time yesterday actually getting it to compile, which wasn't as easy as I'd like it, but it did compile. I haven't tested it but there are new images/packages in the snapshot directory. I've also saved the old releases so you can go back if you need to.
Hi, upgraded WRT and AVR to V8. I currently have 3 observations:

- led assignments don't seem to work for all triggers; maxfan and fan>0 don't wheras pit temp reached does seem to work
- after changing the setpoint from within the home screen, the pit temp display switches to Fahrenheit unit where V7 held to Centigrade. Tried setting the set point through the config screen with C suffix. That holds the Centigrade unit until you change the set point from the home screen again; pit temp reverts to Fahrenheit again.
- home screen response times seem slowen then V7

Curious if Im the only one having these issues?
- led assignments don't seem to work for all triggers; maxfan and fan>0 don't wheras pit temp reached does seem to work
Can't reproduce. I've tried assigning each to each LED and they both work for me on all LEDs. More info?

- after changing the setpoint from within the home screen, the pit temp display switches to Fahrenheit unit where V7 held to Centigrade.
Oops. Fixed.

- home screen response times seem slowen then V7
Can you be more specific about what you mean? Interaction is faster if anything, seeing about 190-250ms responses to requests. If you mean from the time you set the setpoint to when you see it changed, that's variable between 1 and 2 seconds + request time. It's actually changed in 250ms but takes the standard 1 or 2 seconds for the status rate limiter to have headroom to send the update.
Bryan, thanks for the support.

Will try to analyse what is wrong with my led systematically. In the meantime maybe another V8 bug:

- lid open timer, when interactive field on home screen has been pressed ends prematurely. Set to 4 minutes and exits after 30 secs. Pit temp is steady and surely not rising at the time of exit...
I think I want to reset everything on my HM back to default and start over. Besides the SD card, is there a way to reset the main chip on the HM and is there anything else that would need to be defaulted. This I think will also help my learning curve.
-- Remove the config restore source: Log in via SSH or telnet to the rPi. `rm /mnt/mmcblk0p4/backup.tar.gz`
-- From the HeaterMeter itself, navigate through the menus and selec "Reset config? Yes"
-- Power off the rPi and flash the SD card with the default image

HeaterMeter will still be on the AVR but there's no point in scrapping that because you can just flash over it.
Oops, I've exchanged red and green leds on the board.

Bryan, led mystery solved (Google shows some pictures of heatermeters which have the same 'fault').
- lid open timer, when interactive field on home screen has been pressed ends prematurely. Set to 4 minutes and exits after 30 secs. Pit temp is steady and surely not rising at the time of exit...
Can't reproduce this either. If you are editing the setpoint, then lid mode automatically ends when the setpoint is set, regardless of if it is the same, lower, or higher temperature. Press "escape" to exit the field edit without submitting the new value, which will leave lid mode in the same state.
My problem has been solved. It was not a firmware issue. I was getting display problems but as it turned out, my display took a dump. Just changed it with my spare and all is good. Still have an issue connecting to the internet but will check that after work. One good thing, since everything was defaulted, it might be easy. Still love this thing and can't wait to get my case and cook with HM.
Can´t make this any more simple then it really is and reproduce it every single time I try. I just enter the manual lid open mode through the interactive area top left on the home screen or the left press menu button on the heatermeter board. The countdown (set to last for 4 minutes) starts and will end prematurely after about 30 seconds. This shouldn´t happen unless the logic changed between V7 en V8. I don´t change the set point, just wait for the 4 minutes countdown to end.
Excellent description! Is your current temperature above the setpoint? Lid mode automatically ends when temperature "returns to normal" with a minimum 30 second duration.
Just updated to v8, planning on cooking ribs tomorrow, so far things look good.

Suggestion. Can we get the leds to be displayed on the webpage? Just an idea.

Can we get the leds to be displayed on the webpage? Just an idea.
NO! :) I thought about this when I was working on it, because it's hard to see which LEDs are lighting when you're working on it from the couch in the other room. It's hard to imagine where they'd go though. The whole homepage UI is suffering from information overload. So if it were added it would be after the homepage was redesigned.

Of course, every LED trigger apart from RfReceive and PitTempReached is already shown on the homepage so I'm not sure having an indicator to indicate when the other indicator is indicating wouldn't just be redundant.
OK I was wondering about this, but wasn't positive.


Of course, every LED trigger apart from RfReceive and PitTempReached is already shown on the homepage so I'm not sure having an indicator to indicate when the other indicator is indicating wouldn't just be redundant.
Yes, it reacts the way you describe it, which is also the most intelligent way.

I must have been confused because of the pit temp in Fahrenheit and the setpoint in celcius...

Very happy with how lid open behaves :-) thanks Bryan for all your patience.

