I do see the serial communication get waked periodically when the fan turns on and off. It isn't very often now with the 2200uF capacitor on it, but it still happens.
I have restarted the HM, but that doesn't fix it, so it has to be an LM issue. I'll try restarting the webserver, need to go figure out how to do that again, and see if that fixes it. I do know a reboot of LM gets it up and working again, at least temporarily.
I'm also now running a test with the blower disconnected and will see if I get this problem again. I still think it is due to noise being injected into the 12V supply by the blower even though it is very infrequent now. Maybe it's time for some diodes to isolate the blower as well. I'll keep looking into it.
As for your unresponsiveness /shrug does setting it directly from serial work? It seems like something's getting messed up in transmission somehow but I've never seen it happen. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I have restarted the HM, but that doesn't fix it, so it has to be an LM issue. I'll try restarting the webserver, need to go figure out how to do that again, and see if that fixes it. I do know a reboot of LM gets it up and working again, at least temporarily.
I'm also now running a test with the blower disconnected and will see if I get this problem again. I still think it is due to noise being injected into the 12V supply by the blower even though it is very infrequent now. Maybe it's time for some diodes to isolate the blower as well. I'll keep looking into it.
Oops little bug I added there when I added resistance mode. Fixed.Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by D Peart:
I can now control everything from the web page however, when I change the set point it changes my temperture readings to C, the only way to get it back is to go to configuration and set the set point with F, then I get my F back.
As for your unresponsiveness /shrug does setting it directly from serial work? It seems like something's getting messed up in transmission somehow but I've never seen it happen. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>