Lets talk grates........REAL grates



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
OK my grates arrived for the Wolf from Dave (RC). I think the post office must hate him. He used one of those "if it fits it ships" USPS boxes. Well those grates (there are 3 of them) weigh just about 10lbs EACH! So anyway this relatively small flat box comes that weighed in close to 30lbs. The mail lady could not pick it up LOL I had to go out to her truck ;)




Gonna break them in tonight on what I don't know. My buddy came over and we redid all the gas plumbing to the Wolf because I had it on a 3/8" grill hose and it could not keep up with the demand of all 6 burners necessitating that I bypassed the regulator and ran it at full house pressure (7" to 7.5" WC) instead of 4.5" WC from the 3/4" regulator. The very high pressure combined with low flow caused the burners to burn unevenly (much hotter in front trailing off to the rear). Now flames look much better because I bought a large high capacity hose (expensive $75 but worth it) and of course now have it fed with 3/4" main feed into the 1/2" hose and the 3/4" regulator. You can even hear the difference in how it burns now. So a little work from my buddy and I and the Wolf is ready to "howl"
Can't exactly remember what it cost to ship a set of RCs SS grates for a big summit to Stephen in Australia, but it was well over a $100.
Yah, RCP uses the flate rate box that the USPS calls the "game box" as it is designed to ship things like the old time board games (Monopoly, Sorry, etc...) LOL. He isn't doing anything wrong as there is a weight limit on the box, but it is obviously higher than 30 lbs.

Larry, the way this weather is going, you don't even need to hook it up to the gas line. Just drop your ribeye on the lid after you set the grill out in the sun for an hour.
Those are some nice looking grates. When I get back to work in a few weeks, I'm likely to be sending rcplanebuyer some money ... I've currently got the porcelain coated cast iron grates, which I'm starting to doubt due to the flaking of the porcelain I've been reading about on here. I'm all about long lasting parts, and his grates look like IT.
Yah, I have the RCP grates and flavo bars now. I consider bot to be essentially lifetime parts.
I do have a set of his flavorizer bars for the 2000, and they alternate duty with another set of and bars burners/bars that I have. Currently the "original" burners and bars are in, but boy would it be a treat to install new grates (SOLID GRATES) next time I clean her out!
First class solution Larry! Your Wolf sounds like it has a whole new life ahead of it. Enjoy and do share some pictures of them in action.
Now I need to figure out a way to adapt some type of generic igniters into it so I don't have to constantly stick a long stick lighter in it. Starting to be a PIA. It has been about a year since I last cooked on it. I just could not clean those cast iron grates any more and no matter how much I seasoned them they were just crumbling away. I think after a certain number of years CI just can't take it any more in that environment. I got good use of them though (about 8 years) after the initial sandblasting and treatment I did on them. So it was with "grate" :D pleasure they went into the trash last night.
I did a burn in on RC's grates and hit them with a quick coat of oil in prep of some ribeye to break them in. You'll notice what looks like 2 small steaks on there. Those are the wife's. She insists on a "burnt offering" "A pleasing aroma to God" (for you Old Testament fans LOL) So when I buy thick ribeye steaks at Sam's I take about 1/3rd of a steak off than butterfly or split it as you see and cook the living s^&t out of it for her. My tears pu the flames out :D
I was doing the 2 step process. I didn't do as well as I had hoped as I have to relearn this grill. Anyway photos follow



Sorry about the poor quality. I still don't have my normal phone working. Came back from repair but have not had time to set it up so using my backup (LG K10 instead of my LG G6 which has an outstanding camera) so the photos don't do justice to the actual results. Yeah a bit of flame on last pic. I forgot just how HOT (I mean burn the hair off your arms from 5' away HOT it gets) so I was getting more flame than I like. I think it gets even hotter now with the high capacity hose and 3/4" supply now installed. Scary hot. I am going to have to be totally learning it all over again. Hopefully practice will continue to be delicious!
Still more work to do though. I do need to do a full clean out, adapt some igniters before I wll be fully happy. I also plan on not using those rotary "clickers" to make spark but I will get some of those battery powered ones to supply the "juice" to the igniters. I also need to make some latches for the base cabinet. All in due time
Larry - I know this is an old post, but thanks for the pictures of your grates!

I did not realize Dave Santana built yours in thirds.

This summer I plan on making new grates for my Wolf and fixing the igniters.
He had to. The Wolf from front to back is as big as a full size Genesis is wide, and IIRC a full 36" wide. So, the grates were huge and needed support bars welded in the middle as well. Dave said unless he tried using 1/2" thick stock :D Now THAT would be a set!

