Hello folks, proud new owner of a HeaterMeter 4.3 assembled by John Bostwick. I'm having some difficulty getting it working on my network so i'm hoping someone can help me figure this out. My internet service comes into the house on a cable modem, then the cable modem connects to a Cisco Wifi Router in my basement in my office. The router has one upstream connection to the cable modem and one downstream connection to an 8 port TPlink desktop switch, where i have all of my network peripherals plugged in. (Printer, NAS Drive, DesktopPC, HT PC etc) One of the 8 ports is connected to a cable that runs through the walls and up into the attic where i have a second TPLink wifi router (configured as an access point) positioned for better reception everywhere else in my house and outside. So i have a Downstairs network (the wireless router) SSID "FBI Surveillance Van #23" Then i have an upstairs wifi access point SSID "NSA Surveillance Drone #47" I can connect the HM via wifi to the downstairs network and see it at an IP handed out from the downstairs router But the downstairs wifi "FBI" does't have the range to reach my grill. So when i go through the Network/Wireless setup tab (
https://github.com/CapnBry/HeaterMeter/wiki/HeaterMeter-4.x-Software) in linkmeter and scan for networks i can see "NSA" and connect to it. Once i do that however, i can no longer find the HM on the network. I go to the
http://heatermeter.com/devices/ and where before (when connected to "FBI")i would see the heatermeter with a 2016 serial number, it now just shows "Timeout" and when i refresh i get "Error". Also, once i do this, i am unable to recconect to the HM in order to reset the network settings, so then i have to take the box apart and remove the xd card, and manually change the network settings in config.txt with a usb card reader. (And for some reason this case i'm using is a total PITA to put the last screw in. It took me over 45 minutes to simply put in a single screw as the mating "captivated" nut in the case kept getting jammed off angle. Had to take the thing apart about 15 times. Very frustrating.)
First Question: How do i get this working on my upstairs router, as that's the one that has the range to reach my grill location?
Question 2: How do i configure the Linkmeter network settings to be able to connect to the HM from the WAN/Outside Internet?
Thanks in advance for your help.