Latest Software: LinkMeter v13 and firmware

HeaterMeter is a greate job, thanks for that! Please keep going!

I tried to upgrade from V12 to V13 and failed.
No I am searching for some support, please.
I have the Rasp A+ and the system was running very well last year.

Ok.. flash new V13 image...and edit "config.txt" with
# SSID (network name)
# Password for encryption

where "xxx" and "yyy" each is the correct entry for my network

After start an the first restart I found a fresh configured system with"" in the LCD
after 2nd reboot I saw the correct (old@V12=desired)IP in the LCD ==> YES!!!...)

...but still no connection possible... after some time the EDIMAX LED is dark even if I type the correct IP in my browser. which means most possibly that my demand is not reaching the hetermeter. Please remember, the system was running excellent directly before the update.

I think there is some help needed... please advice but I have no cable-IP connection at the A+ AND I am a Linux noob.

Edit: After first start, EDIMAX WiFi was blinking constantly. After next start its blinking 5xlong+1xshort ?? Ideas?
Edit2: I have a running DHCP service within my network.
The desired old network adress is still available and is automaticaly allocated to heatermeter and is shown on the LCD (see...YES!!)

################etc/config/wireless shows:

config wifi-device 'radio0'
option type 'mac80211'
option phy 'phy0'
option hwmode '11ng'
#option htmode 'HT20'
#list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20'
#list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
#list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'
#list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1'
#option country '00'

config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
option network 'wwan'
option mode 'sta'
option ssid 'xxx'
option encryption 'psk2'
option key 'yyy'

####################etc/config/network shows:

config interface 'loopback'
option ifname 'lo'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''

config interface 'fallback'
option ifname 'eth0'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''

config interface 'lan'
option ifname 'eth0'
option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'wwan'
option netmask ''
option ipaddr ''
option proto 'static'

config interface 'xxx'
option _orig_ifname 'wlan0'
option _orig_bridge 'false'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''

The ipaddr above are exactly the right ones I want to have, and as I had with the running V12!
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It is hard to say what is happening, the configuration in etc/config/network looks to be a bit mixed up in that there is an extra interface "xxx" in there and I am not sure why you have two interfaces with what I assume is the same IP?

The easiest thing to do it to go on the HeaterMeter device and navigate the menus to "Reset config" and say "Yes". It should say "Resetting configuration" on the LCD in about a second, then wait a couple minutes for the reload to happen (at which point you'll see the or IP address on the LCD). Pop out your SD card and edit "config.txt" with your wifi information, put it back in the HeaterMeter and boot it up. That should give you a clean configuration with your wifi settings.
Thanks for that suggestion.
I did:

-Reset configuration
-wait till
-shut off an edit "config.txt"
-wait till (my correct IP)

no change... timeout at browser

any ideas?
Some news:
I flashed "openwrt-brcm2708-sdcard-vfat-ext4" ... no further changes...and started the system new and my cellular found "heatermeter", EDIMAX LED was flashing.
Than, the second update-process was automaticly running, and "heatermeter" was not available any more. EDIMAX WLAN LED was not flashing, but dead.

After restart, no WLAN was blinking, system is not available for my handy.
I keep on trying and tell you more as soon as I know it my self ;-)

Any suggestion is welcome

edit: did this 3 times... new flashing... no change to any file...start HM... reflash-process @HM done...WLAN available, SSID available, IP, second reflash-process done... WLAN off. Always identical.
Do we have a change to analyse some files from the SD-card?
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That is really odd that the clean noconfig reinstall didn't work. When it gets to this point "-wait till (my correct IP)", can you ping the address? What is the address? You don't have to worry about posting a address because they're private, you can't get to them through the internet directly. If you can ping the address, can you telnet to it? `telnet 80`
Thanks Bryan.
If I make "Reset config" and say "Yes", (change to "config.txt" did not help) we have a new picture, because I can make contact with my cellular/tablet and heatermeter is found.
Following your description "Wireless Client Setup via Web Config step-by-step" till step 3 "scan" is starting, but no wireless network is found by heatermeter (I have 5 nearby including mine at the tablet)
So I add a new WWAN with my parameter (as I did before) and the HM Display showed the correct IP ...everything fine... EDIMAX LED is blinking ... fine but a ping says
Host not reached
Packages: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0
Host is not reachable but no paket lost? sounds weird.
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Did you make any wifi changes at home like replace a 2.4ghz router with a new 5ghz only router? Most/all of these USB wifi keys will only work with 2.4ghz wifi networks.
Well it is getting an IP address which is the strange part. What is the IP address? Is it the same network at 192.168.200.x or 192.168.201.x? Also do you have an ethernet cable plugged in when doing the test?

no... I changed absolutely nothing between V12 and V13.

V12 was running for a test 4h and was used by app at tablet & phone and by IP at table, phone & PC, so cable as well as WiFi was perfect.
Currently I have 27 devices in my network , 11 by WLAN, so mostly I know what to do, but of course I am no specialist.

Today, I can connect V13 (configured as access point) by Tablet and Cellular (both android) with only.
I tried several times to change to my room where the HM has 210 as xxx. I did several restarts of my WIFI rooter as well as changing the 210 to some other figures whitch are currently not used. I tried to change the configutation of wwan as well as introduced a now interface including a new configuration. If I made it to have MY IP room configured at HM, I can reach it by ping, but host is still not reachable and no contact by browser is possible.
Tomorrow I will configure to and if HM shows this IP I will try to get contact by the app.

What the h**l can go wrong that I manage the HM to show but cannot be reached by this IP?
Each time I have no IP contact the EDIMAX was blinking 5xlong, + 1x short. I tried to find that blinking code but failed.
Within the config-change something happend that the WIFI dongle is not reachable any more, right?

==>What is different concerning WIFI configuration between V12 and V13?
==> I made a "config save"="backup-HeaterMeterOpenWrt-2016-04-08.tar" before changing to V13 and today I restored that configuration, and the system stalled.
Any ideas? :confused:

Cable is not possible as my A+ has only one single USB-Port... and NO ethernet.
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close to be solved

I checked the used channels nearby and found my SSID on a different channel than HM after editing the "config.txt" which most probably means, that HM did not change the channel.
I set the rooter channel to a fix channel, connected by tablet at and changed the channel setting of the HM to the channel my WIFI rooter has.
THAN I found my WLAN SSID with SCAN @ Network/WiFi... but 2 times
==> I have a WiFi repeater
shut down the repeater
than I can connect

WOW, that was ... some kind of interesting.

Edit: YES, its still running... but I cannot change the IP, it only uses the IP HM found by DHCP. "Static" is currently not really possible ;-(
Each boot, the IP was incremented by 1 ?? any idea why?
Ideas are welcome
Edit2: could the IP release-time from my rooter be responsible for that behavior? I will test later and set the relase time to 1 minute and reboot after several minutes.
Ideas still welcome :o
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Yeah I am really at a loss. Especially because the v12 and v13 underlying OpenWrt and wifi driver are the same codebase (no updates have been made between the v12 and v13 version apart from the RPi firmware and a couple defunct packages). That is of course unless something in the build system changed, which is a serious possibility considering the complexity of number of pieces in the buildroot.

I really don't know what the issue is, but maybe if you had a monitor hooked up there might be some messages in the kernel log that scrolls by? Something about the rtl8192 driver de-associating?
So... I changed the lease time of my DHCP Server from "infinite" (don't really know why sooo long) to 30 Minutes and the IP was not incrementing any more
Thanks for all your help!!

Would you mind describing where to find the kernel log? Of course I want to clarify this, but I am really at a loss, too.
I can cope with the current situation.
Even with a DHCP lease time of infinity, unless the hostname or MAC address changed, the DHCP server should keep assigning the wifi dongle the same IP. The fact a new IP is being assigned with each reboot / reconnect is very strange.
Yes, absolutely !
But I can reproduce it... infinity on... IP is incrementing, sorry.

And I cannot define a static IP, because if I do, I cannot connect any more. very strange !
Would you mind describing where to find the kernel log? Of course I want to clarify this, but I am really at a loss, too.
I can cope with the current situation.
Yeah very strange indeed. The kernel log scrolls by if you have a monitor / tv hooked up to the HDMI output of the Raspberry Pi. If you're connected to the webui, it is found under Status -> Kernel Log (which will tell you if the adapter is having an issue). There's also DHCP client output under Status -> System Log (which will tell you if the software is having an issue).
Hey Bryan, I have an idea about a new feature that I think would be useful. I run my MicroDamper on both my UDS and my Akorn (and soon I'll have another pit to play around with), and each time I switch between the two I seem to forget to change some sort of value. Would it be difficult to setup profiles that saves PID, fan speed, etc that would be saved to the heatermeter and the user could just click a radio button or drop down list of the pit that they are going to be cooking on? This could also be used to save settings for each pit and it's cooking scenario. Example profile names: "Akorn fan on", "Akorn fan assist", "Akorn fanless", etc etc.

