Greg Ross-MN
18-20 bags! I wish I had the space at that price.
my last cook it was 0c here I used kirkland pellets, grill got up to 450f in no timeAn oddball thing I found (accidentally) pellet related (at least on my Z). A while back (Thanksgiving actually) I was doing some smoking and it was loaded up with Kirkland pellets. Up to that point they'd been working fine in the grill. But, I was using it in cold and windy conditions. Though clear and dry. I needed to get my temps up as I was doing a roast. So I wanted to run a L&S and then increase temps to about 400. Well it just would not run past 275 or so. My RTD was perfectly clean, the grill was (had been cleaned) prior to the cook. It ran like a champ 275 or less though. I happened then to notice on Costco web site comments about how their pellets were too hard and too long (no jokes here please G rated)So in any case I fired up MM and finished up that way. Now MM runs Smokehouse from Sam's exclusively. So, when the cook was done I cleaned both grills out. I put Kirkland in the MM and Smokehouse from Sam's in the Z. Wouldn't ya know? MM now would not run hot in the cold windy temps, but Big Z did! I had never noticed any issues prior (running in moderate weather). I actually liked that they were harder/longer pellets and seemed to burn just a touch cleaner with slightly less ash. Then the Smokehouse.
Well now I learned something new. For my day in day out work during warm weather months I'll use the Kirkland until they're gone. I have laid in a huge cache of the Smokehouse pellets from Menards. Having bought now 18-20 bags total. If I can find a way to hoard more (especially since they're giving them away for such a great mix at $7.99 40# of the 50/50 oak/hickory blend (no maple in these pellets) I figure how can I go wrong? I may try and get back there tomorrow and lay in another 10 bags or so. I think I am going to break their shopping carts LOL. I'll then transition to only Smokehouse pellets then from now on. Since they're great all around pellets.
This is all great news…Thanks for following last cook it was 0c here I used kirkland pellets, grill got up to 450f in no time
so far havnt had issue with kirkland or any pellets but only tried 3 different brands.
No, because I tried it with fresh load of pellets in both grills. Honestly a mystery to me. And really I invite anybody to look on the Costco web site. They work fine in good weather, but I just saw so many complaints on this very thing with them, not only on Costco site but also the FB Group for Z Grill 1100 2B. Just too many to simply pass off as mistakes plus the actual performance I saw on 2 grills. I'll just save them, and use them for warmer weather cooks when the temp/wind conditions are not a real issue. Since they work fine otherwiseAny chance their was moisture in the peelets, or age? Otherwise, it looks like aome issue with Costco has to be discovered.
Yeah, other than the testing that I did do, I cannot think of another way to test things. I don't know for sure who makes their pellets as I have seen things all over the map in re to that. But, I do know they look distinctly different than SmokeHouse pellets. I have a bucket I did a drain out in and the SmokeHouse and Kirkland are mixed up. And all you need to do is look in that bucket and you can see the Kirkland very distinctly. They otherwise work great. Very low ash (though even in the best of weather) I do notice a noticeably less amount of smoke. SH pellets do give me quite a bit more in that dept.Do they burn slower? Coirse the feed wpuld jusy go faster. Until the cup was past full. Could they be that low on btus0 00pm
Yeah, I would too. But forgot who'd mentioned those charcoal pellets and how it made their grill run hotter. The whole thing seems counterintuitive to me. But, then perhaps these PID controllers are designed to only try to achieve temps within certain feed parameters? The whole thing kinda makes my head spinAre equal weights, equal volume? Maybe we can weigh a bucket or such of each. See if one might be a bit denser, or tighter bound.
Maybe one is dryer. Would still think the pellets would be fed until temp reached.