TVWBB Olympian
Thought i would share this one even if it´s not todays dinner. Been working like Crazy the past weeks.
Here we go:
All you need for an awesome potato gratain:

Rackó´lamb with a herb paste.

Oven style.

Looks eatable right:

After a 20 min rest

And plated:

I love my lamb atm. Nothing close the the ones i was fed growing up. To all of you lamb haters give it a try with a decent cut cooked by yourself and i bet it will grow on ya. Thanks for your time ppl!
Here we go:
All you need for an awesome potato gratain:

Rackó´lamb with a herb paste.

Oven style.
Looks eatable right:

After a 20 min rest

And plated:

I love my lamb atm. Nothing close the the ones i was fed growing up. To all of you lamb haters give it a try with a decent cut cooked by yourself and i bet it will grow on ya. Thanks for your time ppl!