Kingsford question about storing


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Hello everyone! I just picked up 15 twin backs of Kingsford blue at Home Dumpo last week when they had their two fer sale. Now I know some of you guys that’s probably a 30 day supply, but for me that should get me thru the summer and beyond. My question is how do I store it? It will be in my garage should I keep it off the cement on say plywood to keep moisture out of it? Where I live is pretty dry with low humidity except for a few weeks in the summer when the monsoons hit.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Yes, just keep it off the ground and dry. It should be fine. The other thing I've done is put it in a Rubbermaid container. I don't bother taking it out of the bag. I just stand it up inside a bin just to keep the charcoal from contacting the ground and to keep water away from the bag.
The twin packs are in a plastic wrap.. yes? If so they should be fine till you open them, but still put them on spacers so they can breathe, and don't trap moisture.
After that put them on a shelve, pallet or plywood as long if it's not womanized. IE.. I wouldn't store any thing porous (that I would cook with) for long term storage on pressure treated lumber.:)

Mine are just stacked in the garage. Never had issues but I do grill often. :)
Same here. I figure it is double bagged and in plastic. Never had an issue sitting on the garage floor. And some of my stock is over a year old
What about stacking them on top of each other? I care about those poor bags on the bottom, under the weight of 5 other bags on top of them, nearly crushing those briquettes into fine dust. Anyone notice this happening at all to their, um, stockpiles?
They come stacked on pallets, so I don't see an issue with stacking. As to moisture issues, I think your climate's avg. humidity should have a bearing on how you store it. I've noticed sluggish temps after using briquettes I just pulled out of the shed. However, this is the south. Tony in California doesn't have the humidity we have here. As already suggested, I'd keep it off the floor if you store it in a garage or shed.

