Kingsford Competition Briquets press release

I get irked when people jump to conclusions and automatically dismiss a new product like this because of past experiences. If your preferred fuel is working for you, that's fantastic! In that case, there's no need to trash a product that no one has tried yet... right?


I am in complete agreement with you. I just picked up a couple of bags of the new briquettes from a local Home Depot. I'll come to my own conclusions.
Count me in as a person that doesn't care about ash. Either way you have to dump it and it takes just as much time to dump ash produced by Kingsford as it would ash produced by any lump. The ash a certain fuel produces is the least of my concerns when picking a fuel source.

Here is what I look for:

1) Consistency
2) How long it will last
3) How hot it can get
4) The flavor it will impart (this would be higher if there was a bigger difference between lump and briquette, but I have used both and still can't really tell the difference that much.)
5) The cost of the product

6) How much ash it will produce
I agree, much less ash is produced by using lump. I consider that a nice feature, but certainly not one that would make me preclude briquettes from my consideration set. The price of the new briquettes seems awfully high, and that will be a factor for me.
Originally posted by mike tu:
Not true Andy..if i use lump i dump ash about once a month if i use briquets im dumping ash at least once a week

Well like everything else people have their own criteria set when making any purchase. For me when I buy a car reliability is my #1 concern, but for others it is style.

I dump my ash everytime I cook regardless of if I only fill the ring a quarter full or all the way. So for ME how much ash a fuel source will produce is that last of my worries.
2 things, Chris:

How would the new K do in the rain? It seems to always rain whenever I wait until morning to put my coal back in the garage. Lump (or at least the Canadian maple lump I use) is totally unfazed by rainstorms - it dries just as it was before. But charcoal in general turns to a gross heap of thick (frequently green) coal soup. Can you maybe soak 10 coals and see how they dry?

Also, ash is a huge pain because I always reuse my coals, so to clean out the ash, I have to balance 2/3 of a ring of lump on that tiny little grate while brushing out the bowl. Also, the ash seems to fly every where and coat everything. I have ash with a passion.
I'm not going to soak briquettes in water because I know they will fall apart. They are ground char wood held together with a starch binder, and that starch is going to be a mess if it gets wet. If you want to leave your charcoal out in the rain, then I guess you need to stick with lump.

Well, I think I'm finally convinced that I'm going to call Original Charcoal Company and order a full pallet of Rancher. I was close to doing it when I first caught wind of K's new natural briquette. Thought I might as well wait and see what it was all about since it would be readily available at Home Depot, etc.

Well, after seeing the price at $8.97 per 12 pound bag of natural K, I'm sticking with Rancher. Though it won't be anywhere near the ridiculously low prices we all paid last year, I can get a pallet shipped to me for just under $9.00 per bag shipping and all. And that's for a 20 pound bag.

$9 for 12 pounds of K or $9 for 20 pounds of's a no-brainer for me.
For whatever is matters, I have always bought kingsford, and only kingsford, for use in my weber peformer. I've tried some of the others at times, but always went back to kingsford, usually buying the large double back at HD. However, the last time I went looking for charcoal, I was determine to no longer buy it due to the ash. I can't say i am far enough along to have a new favorite nor am i closed minded about the new competition, though on the surface, the price will be a factor for me. Currently, I am trying to figure out how well I like the RO lump charwood which is $5 for a 10lb bag at Walmart. Haven't used it enough to know.
For those of you in West Central Florida, the Home Depot on U.S 19 in Holiday has a whole pallet full of the new Competition Briquets. Price is $8.97 per bag.
Iam looking forward to giving it a try . I saw a post from another forum where a side by side in identical smokers ,one using Rancher and the other using the Kingsford Comp. To avoid any confusion I will not comment on the results other than both products did well. I am a R/O lump fan and want to try a side by side with the K Comp . It should be easy with WSM’s and Guru’s. As for ash , I once had Kingsford ash build up choke down a WSM. I had used that WSM for anything but on Friday night , topped off the charcoal ring and kept cooking. Had I started out fresh I would have been ok , but I was blind sided as I was not aware that much would accumulate and create a negative situation . That was one main reason for my shift to lump . I did see Wal Mart has gone up from $5.27 to $6.35 for a 10# bag of R/O. It upsets me when existing stock gets a price increase!

Thanks Steve

I will check out the HD in Burlington this week end . If they dont have it I am sure that our Hillsoboro HD will. What size bag do you get for $8.97?
The next two week ends may be booked , but I do want to do a side by side to se how it does for me.

Thanks ,Rick
I checked out the HD in Burlington NC on 01/24/09 and no K Comp blend there. I will checl out the Hillsboro the next time I am out that way.

I was surprised to see the K Comp at my local Montgomery Market ( Centrella chain ).
As of Sunday I didn't see any at the local HD.
The price wasn't marked.
Originally posted by Gary Bramley:
I look forward to giving this new product a try. If it is as claimed I will use it. The biggest turn off for the current K product are the unknowns that can be smelled at light up, which gives me even further pause about using it for a Minion burn. I hope it is a winner.


heh, thats how i feel about lump. all the unknowns they shovel in the bag may light up... had that happen and almost ruined my kettle with a chunk of lump that was a chunk of plastic bottle they just tossed in. covered with coal dust couldnt tell. to me its just too much work to sort out the unknowns from the charcoal. im just too scared of bags of lump to warrent the hassle of sorting each piece.

after that experience i still had a bag and a half of lump left so i sorted through it all and found enough unknown cigerette type filter material out of the remainder of that bag and the next that was black as pitch from teh dust and hard to tell from lump by sight alone. the amount of rocks and debris out of one and a half bags of royal oak was enough to make a double handful of trash that wasnt charcoal.

you folks can use it if you wish im sticking to briquettes for now.
My local Home Depot has made a hole for the Competitor briquettes but hasn't received them yet. I look forward to trying them out!

Anyone done a long cook like a brisket or butt with the new stuff and gotten a feel for how long it lasts vs. regular K?

